Whirlpool W10315410A Refrigerator Doors, Complete the Installation, Reverse Doors optional

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Complete the Installation

6.The ice maker is equipped with a built-in water strainer. If your water conditions require a second water strainer, install it in the ¹⁄₄" (6.35 mm) water line at either tube connection. Obtain a water strainer from your nearest appliance dealer.

Complete the Installation

Reverse Doors (optional)

IMPORTANT: If you want to reverse your doors so that they open in the opposite direction, follow these steps. If you are not reversing the doors, see “Replace Doors and Hinges.”

Graphics follow these instructions.

Reverse Doors (optional)WARNING

Electrical Shock Hazard

Plug into a grounded 3 prong outlet.

Do not remove ground prong.

Do not use an adapter.

Do not use an extension cord.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, fire, or electrical shock.

1.Plug into a grounded 3 prong outlet.

NOTE: Allow 24 hours to produce the first batch of ice. Discard the first three batches of ice produced. Allow 3 days to completely fill ice container.

Refrigerator Doors

TOOLS NEEDED: ⁵⁄₁₆" hex-head socket wrench, #2 Phillips screwdriver, flat-blade screwdriver, ⁵⁄₁₆" open-end wrench, flat 2" putty knife.


Before you begin, turn the refrigerator control OFF. Unplug refrigerator or disconnect power.

Remove food and adjustable door or utility bins from doors.

If you are only removing and replacing the doors, see the “Remove Doors and Hinges” and “Replace Doors and Hinges” sections.

Remove Doors and Hinges

⁵⁄₁₆" Hex-Head Hinge Screw

1.Unplug refrigerator or disconnect power.

2.Close the refrigerator door and keep both doors closed until you are ready to lift them free from the cabinet.

NOTE: Provide additional support for the doors while the hinges are being moved. Do not depend on the door magnets to hold the doors in place while you are working.

3.Remove the parts for the top hinge as shown in Top Hinge graphic. Lift the freezer door free from the cabinet.

4.Remove the parts for the center hinge as shown in the Center Hinge graphic. Lift the refrigerator door free from the cabinet.

5.Remove the parts for the bottom hinge as shown in the Bottom Hinge graphic.

Door Hinge

Cabinet Hinge

Hole Plug

Hole Plug


1.Remove ⁵⁄₁₆" hex-head hinge screws from handle side and move them to opposite side. See Graphic 1-1.

2.Remove cabinet hinge hole plugs from the cabinet top and move them to opposite side hinge holes as shown. See Graphic 1-2.


1.Remove door hinge hole plug from top of freezer door. Move to opposite side as shown. See Graphic 2.

2.Remove door stop from both the freezer and refrigerator doors and move to the other side. See Graphic 3.

Replace Doors and Hinges

NOTE: Graphic may be reversed if door swing is reversed.

1.Replace the parts for the bottom hinge as shown. Tighten screws. Replace the refrigerator door.

NOTE: Provide additional support for the doors while the hinges are being moved. Do not depend on the door magnets to hold the doors in place while you are working.

2.Assemble the parts for the center hinge as shown and tighten all screws. See Center Hinge graphic. Replace the freezer door.

3.Assemble the parts for the top hinge as shown. See Top Hinge graphic. Do not tighten screws completely.

4.Line up the doors so that the bottom of the freezer door aligns evenly with the top of the refrigerator door. Tighten all screws.

Final Steps

1.Check all holes to make sure that hole plugs and screws are in place. Reinstall top hinge cover. See Top Hinge graphic.

Refrigerator DoorsWARNING

Electrical Shock Hazard

Plug into a grounded 3 prong outlet.

Do not remove ground prong.

Do not use an adapter.

Do not use an extension cord.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, fire, or electrical shock.

2.Plug into a grounded 3 prong outlet.

3.Reset the controls. See “Using the Control(s).”

4.Return all removable door parts to doors and food to refrigerator.


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Contents Table ofContents / Índice / Table des matières REFRIGERATOR SAFETYDANGER W10315410AIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSUnpack the Refrigerator SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSElectrical Requirements LocationRequirementsWater Supply Requirements Explosion Hazardon somemodels Connect the Water SupplyWater Pressure Connect to Water LineComplete the Installation Refrigerator DoorsReverse Doors optional Electrical Shock HazardDoor Swing Reversal optional Door Removal & Replacement4 Reinstallation of Door Stops Top Hingeonsomemodels- Accessory Using theControlREFRIGERATOR USE Door Closing and AlignmentREFRIGERATOR CARE CleaningChanging the Light Bulbs Explosion Hazard Use nonflammable cleanerRefrigerator Operation TROUBLESHOOTINGIceand Water Temperature and MoistureTemperature is too warm There is interior moisture buildupLIMITED WARRANTY WHIRLPOOL CORPORATION MAJOR APPLIANCE WARRANTYITEMS EXCLUDED FROM WARRANTY This limited warranty does not coverINSTRUCCIONES PARA SEGURIDAD DEL REFRIGERADOREL USUARIO DEL REFRIGERADOR PELIGRO ADVERTENCIAADVERTENCIA INSTRUCCIONES DE INSTALACIÓNCómo deshacerse adecuadamente de su refrigerador viejoRequisitos del suministro de agua Requisitos eléctricosADVERTENCIA Peligro de Choque EléctricoConexión a la tubería de agua Conexión del suministro deagua en algunos modelosIMPORTANTE A G B C F E DADVERTENCIA Puertas del refrigeradorA B C Cómo terminar la instalaciónCarcasa ADVERTENCIAPuertas Pasos finalesBisagra central Bisagra superiorBisagra inferior las puertasUso del control Cierre y alineamiento de la puertaUSO DE SU REFRIGERADOR Cierre de la puertaFábrica de hielo CUIDADO DE SU REFRIGERADORLimpieza en algunos modelos - accesorioCómo cambiar los focos SOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMASFuncionamiento delrefrigerador ADVERTENCIAHielo y agua Temperatura y humedadADVERTENCIA Es difícil abrir la puertaGARANTÍA DE LOS ELECTRODOMÉSTICOS PRINCIPALES DE WHIRLPOOL CORPORATIONGARANTÍA LIMITADA EXCLUSIONES DE LA GARANTÍADANGER AVERTISSEMENT SÉCURITÉ DU RÉFRIGÉRATEURINSTRUCTIONS DUTILISATION DU RÉFRIGÉRATEURAVERTISSEMENT INSTRUCTIONS DINSTALLATIONMise au rebutde votre vieux réfrigérateur Déballage duréfrigérateurSpécifications électriques Exigences demplacementAVERTISSEMENT AVERTISSEMENTRaccordement de la canalisation d’eau Spécifications de l’alimentationen eausurcertainsmodèles Pression de leauAVERTISSEMENT Achever l’installationRaccordement au réfrigérateur A B CRéinstallation - Portes et charnières Portes du réfrigérateurAVERTISSEMENT Démontage - Portes et charnièresInversion douverture de la porte option Démontage et réinstallation de la porte4Réinstallation des butées de porte Charnière supérieureUTILISATION DU RÉFRIGÉRATEUR Utilisation des commandesFermeture et alignement des portes Ajustement des commandesENTRETIEN DU RÉFRIGÉRATEUR sur certains modèles- accessoireMachine à glaçons NettoyageDÉPANNAGE Remplacement des ampoules d’éclairageFonctionnement du réfrigérateur AVERTISSEMENTGlaçons et eau Température et humiditéAVERTISSEMENT La porte est difficile à ouvrirWHIRLPOOL CORPORATION GARANTIE DE GROS APPAREIL MÉNAGERGARANTIE LIMITÉE ÉLÉMENTS EXCLUS DE LA GARANTIE2010 Whirlpool Corporation W10315410A EN/FR PN W10315409A5/10 All rights reserved