Jonsered LT2119CMA, LT2117CMA To Assemble Bagger, Bagger adjustment, Horizontal adjustment

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Front bagger tube



Lower bagger tube


3.1/4 x 50,8mm Carriage Bolts

4.1/4 Lock nut



To Assemble Bagger

NOTE: For ease of assembly, you may wish to obtain the assistance of another person when putting the bagger to- gether.

• Holes in front bagger tube are at an angle. Place front

bagger tube against lower bagger tube and check for

proper hole alignment before assembling bolts.

• Assemble front and lower bagger tubes using four (4)

1/4 x 50,8mm carriage bolts and lock nuts supplied.

Tighten securely.

• Slide front and lower bagger tube assembly into the bag-

ger assemby.

• Assemble front and upper bagger tubes using four (4)

1/4 x 50,8mm carraige bolts and lock nuts supplied.

Tighten securely.

• Slip all the vinyl bindings over the bagger tubes

• Slide the bagger dump handle through the hole in the


1.Front bagger tube

2.1/4 x 50,8mm Carriage Bolts

3.1/4 Lock nut

4. Vinyl Binding



5.Dump handle tube

6.Clevis pin

7.Retainer spring




6MM (1/4") - 9MM (3/8")

bagger top, install the clevis pin and secure with retainer


NOTE: For future use, the clevis pin may be removed in order to use the handle to clear the chute in the event it has become clogged.

Bagger adjustment

For proper bag function and appearance, it may be neces- sary to adjust the bagger assembly. There should be 6mm (1/4")-9mm (3/8") gap between the bagger top and fender and the bagger top surface should be even with the top surface of the fender. To adjust bagger position:

Horizontal adjustment




1.Top Surfaces Even

2.Horizontal Adjustment Bracket

3.Vertical Adjustment Bracket

Slightly loosen the nuts securing the bagger RH and LH horizontal adjustment brackets. Loosen only enough so the brackets keep their position, but allow them to be moved.

Move the brackets the amount forward or backward you wish the bag assembly to move. Retighten the nuts se- curely.

Vertical adjustment

Slightly loosen the nuts securing the vertical adjustment brackets. Loosen only enough so the brackets keep their position, but allow them to be moved.

Move the brackets the amount up or down you wish the bag assembly to move. Retighten the nuts securely.

Reinstall the bagger assembly and check the bagger to fender fi t. If necessary, repeat the procedure until proper fi t is attained.

To convert to bagging, mulching or discharge See "Section 5" of this manual.


Image 24
Contents Anleitungshandbuch Manuel d’instructionsManual de las instrucciones Manuale di istruzioniPage Safety Rules TrainingII. Preparation III. OperationIV. Maintenance and Storage Sicherheitsvorschriften SchulungII. Vorbereitung III. BetriebIV. Wartung UND Lagerung Règles de Sécurité Précautions D’UTILISATIONII. Préparation III. UtilisationIV. Entretien ET Entreposage Reglas De Seguridad InstrucciónII. Preparación III. OperaciónIV. Mantenimiento Y Almacenamiento Norme Antinfortunistiche Addestramento ALL’USOII. Preparazione III. FunzionamentoIV. Manutenzione E Periodi DI INATTIVITA’ Veiligheidsregels TrainingII. Voorbereiding III. BedieningIV. Onderhoud EN Opslag 16,5/12,4107 38-102Marcha Atrás Gebruikershandleiding Normative Antinfortunistiche Züglich MIT Wasser Install steering wheel Stuur installerenEinbau des Lenkrades Montage du volant de directionSiège SeatSitz AsientoHinweis RemarqueNota Install battery Installazione della batteriaAccu installeren Einbau der BatteriePage To install bagger components to tractor Discharge Chute Nut Flat WasherBagger adjustment Horizontal adjustmentVertical adjustment To Assemble BaggerInstallation der Aufhängung der Grasfangbox des Traktors Montage der Grasfangbox Justieren der GrasfangboxSeitenjustierung HöhenjustierungAssemblage des composants du collecteur Bras support supérieurPour assembler le collecteur Positionnement du collecteurRéglage de la position horizontale Réglage de la position verticaleDescarga de adaptarse Tuercas de 3/8 Arandelas planas Para montar el contenedor Regulacion del contenedorAjuste horizontal Ajuste verticalPer montare i componenti del cesto di raccolta Per montare il cesto di raccolta Regolazione del cestoRegolazione orizzontale Regolazione verticalePage De grascontainer monteren Afstellen van grascontainerHorizontale bijstelling Verticale bijstellingTo assemble and install mulcher plug Montage und Installation des MulcheinsatzesPer Iinstallazione del Kit Mulching Het monteren en installeren van de mulchplugTo Adjust Gauge Wheels Einstellen DER TasträderReglage DES Roulettes DE Jauge Para Ajustar LAS Ruedas CalibradorasSchnelles Heben und Senken des Mähaggregats Emplacement des commandes ComandiUbicación de los mandosè De plaats van de bedieningsorganenCommande des gaz GashebelAcelerador AcceleratoreLevier de commande de la transmission Hydrostatique Pédale dembrayage et de freinPedal de freno y de embrague Pedale freno/frizioneQuick lifting/lowering of the cutting unit Schnelles Heben und Senken des Mähaggre- gatsElevación/descenso rápidos del equipo de corte Sollevamento/abbassamento del tagliaerbaZündschloß Cerradura de encendidoChiave di accensione Clé de contact et de démarrageParking brake FeststellbremseFrein de stationnement Freno de estacionamientoFree-wheel Control Lever Ein-und Ausschalten des FreilaufesBlocage et déblocage de la roue libre Acoplamiento y Desacoplamiento de Rueda LibreCutting height setting Choke controlKaltstartregler 10. MähhöheneinstellungFilling up Reposición de combustibleTanken Plein de carburantOil level ÖlstandNiveau d’huile Nivel de aceiteTire air pressure ReifendruckPression de gonflage des pneus Presión de inflado de los neumáticosDriving . Betrieb . Conduite . Conducción Guida . Rijden Page Hinweis IMPORTANT! Cold Starting for Hydro Entlüften DES GetriebesTransmission Hydrostatique ATTENZIONE! Avviamento a Freddo PER TrasmissionPurgar LA Transmisión Spurgo Della TrasmissioneTransmissie Ontluchten Su tractor esta ahora dispuesto para la operación nor- malBetrieb ConduiteConducción DrivingCutting tips Ratschläge zum RasenmähenConseils pour la tonte Consejos para el corte Consigli per il taglio dell’erbaMaaitips To Dump Bagger Entleeren der GrasfangboxPour vider le bac Para vaciar la cargadoraTo convert mower Pour passer dune fonction à une autrePour broyer Para cambiar el ajuste de la segadora Regolazione della funzione di taglioDe Maaier Ombouwen Warnung AdvertenciaPericolo WaarschuwingSwitching off the engine Abstellen des MotorsArrêt du moteur Parada del motorAdvertencia Engine hood MotorhaubeCapot moteur Cubierta del motorMaintenance WartungEntretien MantenimientoTo service engine Wartung des MotorsPour assurer lentretien du moteur Mantenimiento del motorService Record WartungsnachweisSchema Dentretien Informe DE ServicioService Aantekeningen Dati DI ServizioBlades MesserbalkenLames CuchillasStar pattern blade Messerbalkenbohrung mit fünfeckige Ausspa- rungLame avec orifice de fixation central étoil à cinq branches Messerbalkenbohrung mit sechseckiger Aus- sparungCuchilla de orificio-estrella de cinco puntas Lama con for stellare a 5 punteMes met 5-hoekige ster Lama con foro stellareBlade Removal Brakes BremseFrein FrenoDismantling of the cutting unit Demontage des MähdecksDepose du Carter de Coupe Desmontaje de la unidad de corteAssembly of the cutting unit Einbau des MähdecksMise en place du carter de coupe Montaje de la unidad de corteReplacement of drive belt for cutting unit Auswechsein des Treibriemens für das Mähag- gregatCambio de la correa propulsora del equipo de corte Sostituzione della cinghia di movimento lameAdjustment of the cutting unit Einstellung des MähaggregatsRéglage du carter de coupe Ajuste de la unidad de corteSIDE-TO-SIDE Adjustment Adjuste DE Lado a LadoReglage Transversal Regolazione Fianco a FiancoReplacement of drive belt Remplacement de la courroie dentraînementCambio de correa propulsora Sostituzione della cinghia di trazioneTransaxle Motion Control Lever NEU- Tral Adjustment Reglage DU Levier DE LA Commande D’AVANCEMENTEinstellung DES Steuerknüppels DES Schaltgetriebes Page Transaxle Cooling TRANSACHSEN-KÜHLUNGRefroidissement DE LA Transmission Enfriamiento DEL TransejeTroubleshooting . Störungssuche Recherche des pannes . Búsqueda de averías Ricerca guasti . Het localiseren van fouten Service Storage . Aufbewahrung . Remisage . ConservaciónEntretien et réparations ServicioRismessaggio . Stallen ServizioJonsered Motor AB 532 18 433 81 Partille, Sweden