Desa LNT-3 12-inch, LNT-2 8-inch, EL-7 14-inch Product Identification, Unpacking, Assembly

Page 6







Front Hand






Guide Bar




















Guide Bar







Rear Hand






Power Cord





The plastic hardware bag should include:

two guide bar bolts

two guide bar nuts

one Phillips-head tapping screw

1.Lay chain out flat.

2.Install front hand guard onto saw body. Do this by pressing two mounting stand- outs on hand guard into hex-shaped holes in saw body (see Figure 3, page 7).

3Insert tapping screw through hand guard and into saw handle. Tighten screw firmly.

4. Turn adjusting screw counterclockwise

(see Figure 4, page 7). Continue to turn

adjusting screw until adjusting block is

to rear of adjusting plate.

5. Install guide bar onto saw body. Place

rear of guide bar between adjusting

plate and sprocket support.

IMPORTANT: Make sure to insert ad-

justing block into oval adjusting hole

on guide bar.

Front Handle


Motor Housing

Figure 2 - Electric Chain Saw

Oil Level Sight Hole (located on saw body, hidden by front handle)

Oil Cap With

Squeeze Bulb

Switch Trigger



Line up holes on sprocket support with


center slot on guide bar and holes in


saw body.

7. Insert guide bar bolts through front


hand guard, saw body, center slot of


guide bar, and sprocket support. Attach


guide bar nuts to guide bar bolts.


IMPORTANT: Tighten guide bar nuts


finger tight only. Make sure adjusting block


is in oval adjusting hole on guide bar.


Place chain around drive sprocket, then


along top groove of guide bar and


around guide bar nose. Note: Make


sure cutting edges of chain are facing


the right direction. Position chain so


cutting edges on top of guide bar face


guide bar nose (see Figure 3, page 7).

CAUTION: Do not place chain


1.Remove all items from carton.

2.Check all items for any shipping dam- age. If you find any damage or if any parts are missing, promptly inform dealer where you bought chain saw.


Note: Some models are pre assembled. As- sembly is not needed on these models. See Saw Chain Tension Adjustment, page 8.

WARNING: Cutting edges on chain are sharp. Use protective gloves when handling chain.

IMPORTANT: Do not clamp chain saw in vise during assembly.

on saw backwards. If chain is backwards, saw will vibrate badly and will not cut.

9.Adjust saw chain tension. Follow steps under Saw Chain Tension Adjustment, page 8.

For more information, visit



Image 6
Contents Electric Chain SAW Information Symbols Information Symbols AutoBefore Operating Chain SAW SafetyKickback Safety Devices On This Saw KickbackPushback and PULL-IN Saw Maintenance and Kickback SafetySecure wood you are cutting by using clamps or chocks Chain SAW OperationMaintenance and Storage of Chain SAW Chain SAW Names TermsRear Handle Handle located at rear of saw body Assembly Product IdentificationUnpacking Filling OIL Tank EdgeSAW Chain Tension Adjustment Operating Chain SAWExtension Cords Oiling Chain Cutting with the Chain SAWTrimming a Tree Pruning Before Felling a Tree Felling Procedure Felling NotchFelling a Tree Cutting Down a Tree Felling CutEntire Length Of Log On Ground Bucking a LOGLimbing a Tree Cut log from top see FigureCare of Guide BAR Cleaning and MaintenanceCleaning SAW Body Log Supported On One EndItems Needed to Sharpen Chain Normal Guide Bar MaintenanceSharpening Your SAW Chain Sharpening CuttersFiling Cutter Depth Gauges Replacement PartsStorage Replacing Saw ChainTroubleshooting Observed Fault Possible Cause RemedyIllustrated Parts Breakdown LNT-2 and LNT-3Parts List DescriptionEL-7 QTY Keep this Warranty Industries of Canada, IncCopy Description Symboles Description Symboles Tronçonneuse Électrique PrimeRecul Avertissements Pour LA SécuritéAvant Dõutiliser LA TRON‚ONNEUSE Cause du reculCauses de la poussŽe et de la traction POUSSƒE ET TractionEntretien de la trononneuse et protection contre le recul Utilisation DE LA TRON‚ONNEUSEVocabulaire DE LA Tronçonneuse Entretien ET Remisage DE LA TRON‚ONNEUSEDans un endroit sec Nomenclature DES Pièces DéballageMontage Taille Žlagage Coupe des branches d’un arbre sur piedRemplissage DU Réservoir D’HUILE Réglage DE LA Tension DE LA Chaîne Utilisation DE LA TronçonneuseProlongateurs DE Cordon Lubrification DE LA CHAëNE Sciage Avec LA TRON‚ONNEUSETaille Dõun Arbre ƒlagage ProcŽdure dÕabattage Sifflet dÕabattage Abattage Dõun ArbreAvant dÕabattre un arbre Trait dÕabattageToute la bille repose au sol ƑBRANCHAGETRON‚ONNAGE Dõune Bille Tronçonner la bille à partir du dessus. Voir la figureNettoyage DU Carter DE TRON‚ONNEUSE Nettoyage ET EntretienEntretien DE LA LAME- Guide La bille est soutenue ˆ une extrŽmitŽOutils nŽcessaires pour affžter la chane AFFóTAGE DE LA CHAëNEEntretien normal de la lame- guide Affžtage des taillantsPièces DE Rechange Remplacement de la chaneRemisage Limage des limiteurs de profondeur des taillantsCause Possible DépannageDƒFAILLANCE OBSERVƒE REMéDEDétail DES Pièces Illustrées LNT-2 ET LNT-3QuantitŽ 20,3 cm EL-7 QuantitŽ Information SUR LA Garantie Conserver Cette Garantie