Raise the loader boom and retract the bucket cylin- ders. Lower the loader boom until the parking stands make contact with the ground. Dump the bucket until the bucket touches the ground. Refer to Figure 4.
Figure 4
NOTE: Driving the tractor forward slowly while positioning loader will allow parking stands to contact ground firmly. Using float position dur- ing this operation will keep tractor weight from being applied to loader parking stands.
Remove hinge nuts and hardened flatwashers from eyebolts. Swing hinge assemblies back. Reinstall hardened flatwashers and hinge nuts onto eyebolts. Remove snap pins from inner hole of rear hinge pins and reinstall into outer holes of rear hinge pins. Using snap pins as handles, remove rear hinge pins and hinge assemblies from loader. Figures 5 & 6.
Figure 6
Start the tractor and position the valve control lever in the float position. Retract the bucket cylinder until the subframe assembly lifts off of the center bracket tubes. Take the valve control lever out of the float position. Back the tractor up approximately one foot. Make sure hydraulic hoses are not pulled or dam- aged. Refer to Figure 7.
5 3
Figure 5
(1)Hinge nut.
(2)Hinge assembly.
(3)Loader mounted snap pin position.
(4)Hardened flatwasher.
(5)Rear hinge pin.
(6)Subframe bushing.
(7)Subframe pedestal.
(8)Center mounting bracket tubes. (Figure 6)
(9)Rear hinge pin outer hole. (Figure 6)
Figure 7
NOTE: Before backing the tractor away from the loader, use the lift cylinders to position the sub- frame crosstube so it moves freely in the front bracket channel. This will prevent loader move- ment when backing the tractor away from the loader.
Make sure the subframe assembly will clear the front wheels and axle of the tractor. Retract the lift and attachment cylinders. Stop the tractor engine and then work valve control lever/levers to relieve hydraulic fluid pressure in lines. See tractor Operator Manual for additional information.