Dolmar MS-261 U, MS-261 C Points in Operation and HOW to Stop, Stopping, Idle Speed Adjustment

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Follow the applicable accident prevention regulations.


Move at least 3 m away from the place of refueling. Place the machine on a flat, bare surface so that the cutting blade does not contact the surface of ground or any other objects.

Cold start

For machine with U Handle or Loop Handle

-Move the switch (1) to the “I” position.

-Push gently the primer pump (A) 8 to 10 times.

-Set the choke lever (B) to the “CHOKE” position (C).

Note : Depress the trigger safety lock (E) before squeezing trigger.

-Squeeze the trigger (F) to full throttle position and hold it, and then set the switch (1) to the “START” position and release the trigger (F).

-Pull the starter until the engine tries to run (No more than 6 pulls ).

-Set the choke lever to half choke position.

-Pull the starter until the engine start running.

After the engine runs for 30 to 45 seconds at the “START” position ( for warming up the engine ), move the choke lever to the “RUN” position ( D ).

Warm Start ( Re-starting Engine )

- Set the choke lever (B) to the “RUN” position (D).

Note : You do not need to pull the trigger or set the throttle-lock when the engine is warm.

- Pull the starter rope until the engine runs.






Release the trigger (F) fully, and push the switch (1) to the “O” position that the engine will stop.

Be aware that the cutting blade may not stop immediately and allow it to slow down fully.


Your DOLMAR engine has been adjusted at the factory for optimum performance and fuel consumption, and no fur- ther adjustment is required.

Due to varying atmospheric and climatic conditions, however, you may need some minor adjustment for your area.

Checking the idle-speed


The idle-speed should be set to 2,800 – 3,300 rpm. If necessary, adjust the idle-speed using with a tachometer to insure the proper idle-speed. Note that the cutting blade or the nylon cutting head must not turn when the engine is on idle.

Adjusting the idle rpm. Can be done by turning the idle-speed screw (A) clockwise ( for increasing the engine speed ) or counterclockwise ( for decreasing the engine speed ).

If the engine does not idle properly after the adjustment, contact your nearest Dolmar dealer for service.



The cutting blades mentioned below should only be re-sharpened by an authorized facility. Manual re-sharpening will result in imbalances of the blade causing abnormal vibrations and damage to the machine.

- Cutter Blade : star blade ( 4 teeth ), eddy blade ( 8 teeth )

An expert service for re-sharpening and balancing is provided by Authorized Service Agents.


To increase the service life of the above cutter blade, it may be turned over once until both cutting edges have become blunt.


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Contents Importante Recommandation importanteEnglish Table of contentsDolmar GmbH North American Division Warranty Coverage Owner’s Warranty ResponsibilitiesWhat is not Covered Emissions Component Defect Warranty CoverageEmissison Component Defect Warranty Period Obtaining Warranty ServiceOFF/STOP SymbolsON/START Personal protective equipment Safety InstructionsGeneral Instructions Intended use of the machineKickback prevention RefuelingMethod of operation KickbackFirst Aid Technical DataMaintenance instructions For machines with Loop Handle Mounting of Handle Mounting of Protector For machines with U Handle modelsFor # MS-260 U/261 U and # MS-330 U/331 U Installing Cutter-BladeInstalling Nylon cutting head Mounting of Cutter Blade or Nylon Cutter HeadCorrect Handling of Machine FUELS/REFUELINGRE-SHARPENING the Cutting Tool Points in Operation and HOW to StopIdle Speed Adjustment StoppingServicing Instructions Nylon Cutting HeadSuction head in the fuel tank Cleaning of muffler exhaust portStorage Supply of grease to gear caseTroubleshooting Chart Maintenance ScheduleDolmar FrançaisCalifornie Seulement Responsabilités envers la garantie du propriétaireCE QUE LA Garantie NE Couvre PAS Période DE Garantie Contre LES Vices DES Pièces À ÉmissionPièces Couvertes PAR LA Garantie Demande Dapplication DE LA GarantieArrêt SymbolesMARCHE/DÉMARRAGE Dispositifs de protection personnelle Consignes DE SécuritéConsignes générales Utilisation prévue pour loutilPrévention des chocs en retour RemplissageUtilisation Choc en retourModèle Données TechniquesInstructions dentretien Premiers secoursÉcran Surmoulée Oui noir Pour les modèles à poignée en boucle Assemblage DE LA PoignéeAssemblage DU Protecteur Pour les modèles à poignée en UPour les modèles MS-260 U/261 U et MS-330 U/331 U Installation de la lame du sécateurInstallation de la tête de coupe en nylon Comment Tenir Loutil CARBURANTS/REMPLISSAGERaffûtage DE Loutil Tranchant ArrêtRéglage DE LA Vitesse DE Rotation À Vide Instructions Pour LA Réparation Tête DE Coupe EN NylonNettoyage de lorifice de sortie du silencieux RangementGraissage du carter dengrenage Crépine daspiration du réservoir de carburantTableau DE Dépannage Horaire DentretienÍndice EspañolCalifornia Solamente Responsabilidades del propietario para la garantíaResponsabilidades DEL Propietario DE LA Garantía Partes Cubiertas POR LA GarantíaObtención DEL Servicio DE Garantía QUÉ no Cubre LA GarantíaENCENDIDO/INICIO SímbolosEquipo de protección personal Instrucciones DE SeguridadInstrucciones generales Uso previsto para la máquinaPrevención contra los retrocesos bruscos RepostajeMétodo de operación Retroceso bruscoPrimeros auxilios Datos TécnicosInstrucciones de mantenimiento Pulgadas Conjunto del asidero Tipo Redondo En U Para máquinas con asidero redondo Montaje DEL AsideroMontaje DEL Protector Para máquinas del modelo con asideros en UInstalación del disco de corte Montaje DEL Disco DE Corte O Cabezal DEL Cordón DE NylonPara # MS-260 U/261 U y # MS-330 U/331 U Para # MS-230 C/231 C, MS-260 C/261 C y MS-330 C/331 CManejo Correcto DE LA Máquina COMBUSTIBLE/REPOSTAJEAfilado DEL Implemento DE Corte Puntos a Tener EN Cuenta EN LA Operación Y Cómo PararParada Ajuste DE LA Velocidad AL RalentíInstrucciones DE Mantenimiento Cabezal DEL Cordón DE NylonLimpieza del orificio de escape del silenciador AlmacenamientoSuministro de grasa a la caja de engranajes La cabeza de succión del depósito de combustiblePrograma DE Mantenimiento Gráfico DE Solución DE ProblemasPage Dolmar GmbH Postfach 70 04 Hamburg Germany