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Bosch Appliances
Video Game
Video Gaming Accessories
Bosch Appliances
9922 141 70691 en manual
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--- F32()=
4 5
12 11 10 9 8 7 6
Table of Contents
1 Wireless network design
1.1 Introduction
1.2 L imi ts
1.3 Frequency band
1.3.1 802.11g specification
2DCN design
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Calculation tool
2.3 Concepts
2.3.1 Introduction
2.5 Control capacity
2.5.1 Active devices
2.5.2 Passive devices
2.5.3 Overview
2.6 Power capacity
2.6.3 Power supplies
2.6.4 Overload indication
2.6.5 Extension cables
2.7 Cable lengths
2.7.1 Maximum length
2.7.2 To first regenerative tap-off
2.7.3 Between regenerative tap-offs
2.7.4 Open-ended DCN cables
Y: Power(Watt)
2.8 Examples
2.8.1 Cable lengths
Regenerative tap-off
2.8.2 Power correction
2.9 Interpretation devices
3 Optical network design
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Calculation tool
3.3 Limits
3.4 Control capacity
3.6 Cabling
3.6.1 Introduction
3.6.2 Definitions
3.6.3 Optical fiber length
3.6.4 Cable couplers
Max. cable length (m)
3.6.5 Maximum cable length
3.7 Example layouts
3.7.2 Basic optical network
3.7.3 Extended optical network
3.7.4 Redundant cables
3.7.5 Tap-offs
4 Camera control
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Scenarios
5 Infra-red wireless language distribution
6 CobraNet
7User set-up
7.1 Public areas and walkways
7.2 Headphones/headsets
7.3 Speaking distance
8 Device set-up
8.1 General
8.2 Cables
8.3 Temperature
8.4 Ventilation
8.7 Acoustic feedback
9 Technical data
9.1 System electrical and electro-acoustic characteristics
9.1.1 General
9.1.2 Transmission links
9.1.3 Combined devices from input to output
9.2 Environmental conditions
9.3 Safety
9.4 Electro-magnetic compatibility
9.5 Wireless devices
9.6 Miscellaneous
10 DCN-WCCU Wireless Central Control Unit
10.1 Introduction
10 13 1411 12 11 12
8 9
10.2 Controls, connectors and
10.3 Internal settings
10.3 .1 Over vie w
Bosch Security Systems | 2007-02 | 9922 141 70691 en
DCN Wireless | Installation and User Instructions | Central Devices en | 40
10.3.2 S600 switches
10.3.3 RS232 configuration
10.3.4 Internal back-up battery
10.3.5 Watchdog
10.3.6 Ground
10.4 I nsta lla tion
10.5 External connections
10.5 .1 Powe r su pply
10.5 .2 DC N
10.5.3 Optical network
10.5.4 Headphones
10.5.5 Audio inputs
2 3 1
10.5.6 Audio outputs
10.5.7 Fault contact
10.5.8 RS232 ports
9 6
10.6 Configuration menu
10.6 .1 Over vie w
10.6.2 Navigation and operation
Main menu number
Value VU meter
Sub-menu character
10.6 .3 Ma in
10.6.4 Fault status
10.6.5 Monitoring
10.6.6 DCN-WCCU Enquiry
10.6.7 DCN-WAP Enquiry
10.6 .8 Se tup
10.6 .9 Lo uds pkr
10.6 .11 Wir eless
10.6.12 De-init
10.6.13 Defaults
11 DCN-WAP Wireless Access Point
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Firmware
11.3 Controls, connectors and
11.4 In st all at io n
11.4 .1 Gen er a l
11.4.2 Wall or ceiling
11.4.3 Tripod
11.4.4 Logo
11.5 External connections
11.5.1 Optical network
11.6 Configuration
11.6.1 Introduction
11.6.2 System ID
11.6.3 Carrier
11.6.4 Power value
11.7 O pe rat ion
12 System configuration
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Initialization
12.2.1 Introduction
12.2 .2 Sy ste m
12.3 Wireless modes
12.3.1 Introduction
12.3 .2 On
12.3.3 Sleep
12.3.4 Off
12.4 Microphone modes
12.4.1 Introduction
12.4 .2 Op en
12.4.3 Override
12.4.4 PTT
12.5 Repetition rate
12.6 Audio routing modes
12.6.1 Introduction
12.6.2 Recorder
12.6.3 Equalized PA
12.6.4 Insertion
12.6.5 Mix-minus
12.7 Attention chimes
12.8 Erase requests-to-speak and speakers
12.9 Floor distribution
12.10 I nte rc om
12.10.1 Introduction
12.10.2 Location of the operator
12.10.3 Location of the chairman
13 System operation
13.1 Start the system
13.2 Stop the system
14 DCN-WDU Wireless Discussion Units
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Controls, connectors and
14.2 .1 Top
14.2.2 Left and right sides
14.3 Internal settings
14.3.1 Introduction
14.3.2 Microphone sensitivity
14.3.3 Volume restore function
14.3.4 Headphones level reduction
14.4 Modes
14.4 .1 Over vie w
14.4.2 Procedure
14.4.3 Single delegate
14.4.4 Chairman
14.4.5 Dual delegate
14.4.6 Single delegate with auxiliary control
14.5 I nsta lla tion
14.5.1 General
14.5.2 Microphone buttons
14.5.3 Battery
14.5 .4 Ri ms
14.6 Subscription
14.6.1 Introduction
14.6.2 Procedure
14.6.3 Erase the subscription
14.7 External connections
2 3 1
14.7.1 Headphones
14.7.2 External power supply
14.8 O pera tion
14.8.1 Activation
14.8.2 Deactivation
14.8.3 Quick reference card
14.8.4 Microphone
14.8.5 Attendance LED
14.8 .6 Sta tus L EDs
15 DCN-MICL, DCN- MICS Pluggable Microphones
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Controls, connectors and
15.3 External connections
15.4 O pera tion
16 DCN -WLI ION Ba tter y Pack
16.1 Introduction
16.2 S afet y
DCN-WLIION-D Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery Pack
16.3 Controls, connectors and
16.4 I nsta llat ion
16.5 O pera tion
17 DCN-WCH05 Battery Charger
17.1 Introduction
1 2 3 5 6
17.2 Controls, connectors and
17.3 In st a ll at i on
17.3.1 General
17.3.2 Wall
17.3.3 Battery
17.4 External connections
17.4.1 Power inlet
17.4.2 Loop-through socket
17.5 Op er at i on
18 DCN-WPS Power Supply Adapter
18.1 Introduction
18.2 I nsta lla tion
18.3 External connections
19 DCN-DDI Dual Delegate Interface
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Controls, connectors and
19.3 Internal settings
19.4 Configuration
19.4.1 Introduction
19.4.2 Overview
19.4.3 Intercom
19.4.4 Ambient microphone
19.5 I nsta lla tion
19.6 External connections
19.6 .1 DCN
19.6.2 Intercom handset
19.6.3 Audio inputs
A Audio levels
B Product index
B.1 Central devices
B.2 Installation devices
B.3 Contribution devices
B.4 Flush-mounted devices B.5 Interpretation devices B.6 Peripheral devices
C Statements for FCC & Industry Canada