S Registers 51

S74 V.80 Synchronous Access Mode Sub-parameters. Nonstorable.

Bits 1-0. Character transmitted on idle in transmit mode

00 Transmit 8 bits SYN. the receiver does not hunt for synchronization sequence.

01 Transmit 8 bits SYN. the receiver hunt for 8 bits SYN sequence.

10 Transmit 16 bits SYN. the receiver hunt for 16 bits SYN sequence.

Bit 2. Character transmitted on idle in framed mode

0 Transmit HDLC flags

1 Transmit marks

Bit 3. Character transmitted on underrun in framed mode

0 Transmit abort

1 Transmit flag

Bit 4. Half duplex option (not used)

Bits 6-5. CRC type

00 CRC generation and checking disabled

01 Use 16 bits CRC

10 Use 32 bits CRC

11 not used

Bit 7. NRZI encoding


S75 V.80 Synchronization Sequence (first byte). Synchronization sequence used while

in synchronous access mode.When using 16 bits SYN, this register represent the

first 8 bits. Nonstorable. Default is 256


S76 V.80 Synchronization Sequence (second byte). Last 8 bits of a 16 bits SYN

sequence. Nonstorable. Default is 256.


S77 Report period of the nb of octets in rx buffer. Nonstorable. Default is 256.


S78 Bits 7-6. V.42 Dictionary size (V25ter only). Nonstorable. Default is 256.

00 512 characters

10 2048 characters

01 1024 characters

11 Maximum dictionary size characters

Bits 5-0. Max coded string length (V25ter only) 6 to 64, other value reserved.

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Image 55
3Com PC Card manual First 8 bits. Nonstorable. Default is