CONSTRUCTING AND While you can connect your voice terminal locations to your control unit in

CONNECTING THE JACK any of several different ways, the method described here greatly simplifies

FIELDcertain aspects of system administration. This method calls for wiring runs that terminate in modular wall jacks at the voice terminal locations and in modular jacks in a jack field at the control unit location. Modular jumper cords then connect the jacks in the jack field to the appropriate jacks in the control unit.

Labels on the jack panel boxes, the jacks, and the modular jumper cords make the jack field a key factor when programming the system and maintaining those programs even as office assignments change.

The following example shows how a jack field makes the system easy to maintain.

Moving Voice Terminals Attached to a Jack Field (Example)

Smith has intercom number 14 and is located in Room 104. Jones, with intercom 18, is in Room 108. Smith and Jones have their voice terminals programmed very differently from each other. A redefinition of assignments within the business calls for Smith and Jones to trade offices.

At the jack field, following the labels on the components, you:

1 Unplug the jumper cord labeled 14 from the jack for Room 104.

2 Unplug the jumper cord 18 from the jack for Room 108.

3 Plug cord 14 into the jack for Room 108.

4 Plug cord 18 into the jack for Room 104.

Smith and Jones can now simply unplug their voice terminals from the wall jacks at their old locations and plug them in at their new locations. They keep their original intercom numbers, and they do not have to reprogram their voice terminals.

You do not have to change any labels in the system. Simply make note on the System Configuration Form of the new locations for Smith and Jones.

Jack Field Construction Recommendations

In order to construct a jack field and install building wiring, we recommend the following:

Plan ahead.

Draw a floor plan that shows the routes of the wiring runs from your control unit location to your voice terminal locations. Identify each run by marking both the wall jack end for each voice terminal location and the jack field end at the control unit location.

Use modular wall jacks at the voice terminal locations.

These are cutdown-to-modjack adapters with screw-on covers that terminate the wiring runs to the voice terminal locations.

Use voice terminal wiring Z601A adapters at the jack field.

These are cutdown-to-modjack adapters that allow for connecting cable without stripping wires.

Use jack panel boxes (apparatus boxes). Each box holds six Z601A adapters.

Jack Field Wiring Supplement 45

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3Com RELEASE 2 Moving Voice Terminals Attached to a Jack Field Example, Jack Field Construction Recommendations