Label Drives on AIX
You must label each drive to be used by StorNext FS. A new drive needs to be labeled only one time. Drive labeling can be performed from any StorNext client that has a Fibre Channel connection to the drive.
The process of disk labeling
To label a drive:
Step 1 From the system prompt on any StorNext FS client, display a list of connected drives. Enter:
# /usr/cvfs/bin/cvlabel -1
Step 2 From the output information, identify any drives that are unused or do not have a recognized Volume Type and write down their associated device names.
Identify any drives that already contain a recognized Volume Type. CAUTION Do not write a label to these drives or you may lose data.
Step 3 Create /usr/cvfs/config/cvlabels from the copy of the StorNext FS label file example. Enter:
#cp ../examples/cvlabels.example ./cvlabels
Step 4 Edit /usr/cvfs/config/cvlabels so that it contains a list of StorNext FS label names that correspond to the device names of the drives identified in Step 2.
Setting Up StorNext FS on AIX |