STRIPEGROUP DEFINITION section - Describes a group of disks that comprise a stripe group. One or more stripe groups describe the entire file system. A stripe group is the smallest entity that can be manipulated by a system administrator using the File System Administration utility (cvadmin).


All disks defined in any given stripe group must have the same number of sectors,


as reported by cvlabel -1.

Examples of stripe groups appear in the configuration file.

Find the stripe group named RegularFiles.

Edit the Node entries so that all the disk names are listed, with each entry followed by a space and then the stripe order number (0, 1, 2, etc.).

For example:

[StripeGroup RegularFiles]

Status UP

Type Regular

Read Enabled

Write Enabled

StripeBreadth 64

Node CvfsDisk0 0

Node CvfsDisk1 1

Node CvfsDisk2 2

Node CvfsDisk3 3

Step 3

Save, name and exit the /usr/cvfs/config/<file_system_name>.cfg file.


Make sure you have a <file_system_name>.cfg file for each uniquely named



StorNext File System on the StorNext FS server.

Step 4

Verify that fsmpm is running so that cvmkfs works properly. Enter:


# ps -ef grep fsmpm

Setting Up StorNext FS on Solaris


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Image 89
ADIC 2.2 manual # ps -ef grep fsmpm