Mount StorNext FS on Linux

To mount StorNext FS:

Step 1 Create the StorNext FS mount directory. This is the path by which users access the file system. For example:

#mkdir /usr/clips

#chmod 777 /usr/clips

Step 2 Add the StorNext FS name to the /etc/fstab file. Use cvfs as the file system type. For example:

# projA /usr/clips/ cvfs rw,threads=6 0 0

When the StorNext FS server starts up or reboots, StorNext FS automatically mounts any file systems listed in the /etc/fstab file.


If you do not want a cvfs mount point in your fstab file, manually start a file


system using the cvadmin command. Then, mount the file system using the


mount command, as shown in the following example:


During the boot process, the file systems listed in /etc/fstab tries to be


mounted. On the first mount attempt, StorNext FS fails because the cvfs-loadable


modules are loaded later in the boot process. These errors can be safely ignored,


and StorNext FS mounts toward the end of the system startup process.

Step 3 Repeat Steps 1 and 2 to mount each StorNext FS on all client machines.


6-00905-01 Rev A

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Image 80
ADIC 2.2 Mount StorNext FS on Linux, # mkdir /usr/clips # chmod 777 /usr/clips, # projA /usr/clips/ cvfs rw,threads=6 0