2 Description of the system
2.1Overview of the system components
Storage media such as magnetic tape cartridges, optical disks and CD- ROMs are brought automatically into the associated drives and fetched from there again with the AML/J. The storage media are brought to the drives with the aid of software in the host and in the AML/J control unit and discharged from these drives again.
The AML/J is a modular system and consists of
•a basic module
−Handling unit
−Storage racks
−Control cabinet
−I/O unit (E/I/F)
•up to 9 extension modules (optional)
−Storage racks
−I/O unit (E/I/F)
Figure 2-1: AML/J basic module
2.2Host connection
AML/J is connected through the AMU (AML Management Unit) to one or several hosts. The possibilities of the connection are described in the AMU Reference Guide.