&RRUGLQDWHCommand | Explanation |
1H[W | Display of the archive catalogue entry for the entered |
logical archive coordinate. | |
3UHY | Display of the archive catalogue entry of the next coor- |
dinate of the component. If the last coordinate is | |
reached, there is no further paging. | |
| Display of the archive catalogue entry of the previous |
| coordinate of the component. If the first coordinate is |
9LHZ9ROVHU | reached, there is no further paging. |
| Display of the archive catalogue entry for the entered |
8SGDWH | Volser. |
| Information |
| This command can be executed only |
| after logging in as administrator or |
| supervisor. |
| Changing the AMU archive catalogue for the archive |
| coordinate. |
| The existing entry is only overwritten in |
| the AMU archive catalogue. If there are |
| incorrect entries, discrepancies in the |
| archive and to the HACC/MVS archive |
| catalogue can arise. |