5.3 General Configuration
Administrative Security
The first configuration panel in the NetDSL General Configuration is the Administrative Security. From this panel, you can create a Router Name and select Password Protected for administrative security.
Naming your modem is mandatory. The default name for the modem is “NetDSL.”
If you are concerned with administration security, you should select Password Protected. This optional feature limits NetDSL Manager access to users with the correct password. To select this feature, check Password Protected, and then click Change Password. When you type your password and confirmation in the edit boxes, they will appear as asterisk (****).
Figure 5.1 Administrative Security
After setting your Administrative Security, Click Apply to continue configuring your modem. To exit the NetDSL, click on the Exit button. If you need help, click on the Help button.
Bridge Packet Filtering Table
From Configuration,
The Bridge Packet Filtering Table also allows up to 32 sequential filters, and each filter can be set to examine source MAC, destination MAC, or both. From