Chapter 4. Operation

VT 100 Menu Support

When connected to an asynchronous VT 100 terminal or VT 100 terminal emulator, use the built-in ISU 2x64 menu system for configuration of both DTE ports. The VT 100 screens can be acti- vated by typing AT!V while connected to either DTE port (in AT command mode), or by typing !V at the prompt while using the maintenance port. The maintenance port is an asynchronous port always set to 9600 bps, 8 data bits, one stop bit, no parity, and no flow control. By using the VT 100 screens on the maintenance port, both DTE ports can be configured from one terminal. The command Ctrl+P switches between DTE #1 and DTE #2.


At power up, the ISU 2x64 runs a self test as indicated on the dis- play. After approximately 10 seconds, Passed is momentarily dis- played (if the ISU 2x64 does not pass the self test, see If Self Test Fails on page 77). This is followed by the Current Status mode of DTE#1. The Current Status mode DTE#2 is shown by pressing either arrow key. This is the recommended resting place for the unit since it shows the current operational status of the unit. For instance, if the ISU 2x64 is not connected to the network, the Cur- rent Status menu displays ISU 2x64 DTE# (1 or 2) Link down. If the unit is connected to the network and functioning properly, it displays ISU 2x64 DTE# (1 or 2) Ready. A list of Current Status messages is provided in Current Status Messages on page 95. Pressing the Cancel key repeatedly returns the unit to the Cur- rent Status menu. While at the Current Status menu, pressing any key, except the Cancel and # keys, repeatedly changes the display to the top of the menu tree. Pressing the # key brings up the Dial submenu. While in a menu tree, pressing the # key causes the unit to return to the Current Status menu.


ISU 2x64 Dual Port ISDN Service Unit User Manual


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ADTRAN 1200051L5, 61200051L1, 1200051L6, 1200051L2 user manual VT 100 Menu Support, Getting Started