37 Chapter3
systemlog mode
[client|server|both] G Specified the log mode switch(config)# systemlog mode both
show systemlog E Displays system log. Switch>show systemlog
show systemlog P Show system log client & server
switch#show systemlog
no systemlog G Disable systemlog functon switch(config)#no systemlog
smtp enable G Enable SMTP function switch(config)#smtp enable
smtp serverip
[IP address] G Configure SMTP server IP switch(config)#smtp serverip
smtp authentication G Enable SMTP authentication switch(config)#smtp authentication
smtp account
[account] G Configure authentication account switch(config)#smtp account User
smtp password
[password] G Configure authentication password switch(config)#smtp password
smtp rcptemail
[Index] [Email address] G Configure Rcpt e-mail Address switch(config)#smtp rcptemail 1 Alert@test.com
show smtp P Show the information of SMTP switch#show smtp
no smtp G Disable SMTP function switch(config)#no smtp
event device-cold-start
[Systemlog|SMTP|Both] G Set cold start event type switch(config)#event device-cold-start both
event authentication-failure
[Systemlog|SMTP|Both] G Set Authentication failure event
switch(config)#event authentication-failure both
event ring-topology-change
[Systemlog|SMTP|Both] G Set X - ring topology changed
event type
switch(config)#event ring-topology-change both
event systemlog
[Link-UP|Link-Down|Both] I Set port event for system log switch(config)#interface fastethernet 3
switch(config-if)#event systemlog both
event smtp
[Link-UP|Link-Down|Both] I Set port event for SMTP switch(config)#interface fastethernet 3
switch(config-if)#event smtp both
show event P Show event selection switch#show event
no event device-cold-start G Disable cold start event type switch(config)#no event device-cold-start
no event authentication-failure G Disable Authentication failure
event type
switch(config)#no event authentication-failure
no event ring-topology-change G Disable X - ring topology changed
event type
switch(config)#no event ring-topology-change
no event systemlog I Disable port event for system log switch(config)#interface fastethernet 3
switch(config-if)#no event systemlog
no event smpt I Disable port event for SMTP switch(config)#interface fastethernet 3
switch(config-if)#no event smtp
show systemlog P Show system log client & server
switch#show systemlog
3.1.16 SNTP Commands Set Table 3.16: SNTP Commands Set
Netstar Commands Level Description Example
sntp enable G Enable SNTP function switch(config)#sntp enable
sntp daylight G
Enable daylight saving time, if
SNTP function is inactive, this
command can’t be applied.
switch(config)#sntp daylight
sntp daylight-period
[Start time] [End time] G
Set period of daylight saving time,
if SNTP function is inactive, this
command can’t be applied.
Parameter format:
switch(config)# sntp daylight-period 20060101-
01:01 20060202-01-01
sntp daylight-offset
[Minute] G
Set offset of daylight saving time, if
SNTP function is inactive, this
command can’t be applied.
switch(config)#sntp daylight-offset 3
sntp ip
[IP] G
Set SNTP server IP, if SNTP
function is inactive, this command
can’t be applied.
switch(config)#sntp ip
sntp timezone
[Timezone] G Set timezone index, use “show
sntp timzezone” command to get
more information of index number
switch(config)#sntp timezone 22
show sntp P Show SNTP information switch#show sntp