CLEANING the failing heads:
-Set the valves of the failing heads to the “S” position.
-Set the Solution valve to “S”.
-Push the
-Leave the heads in this condition for at least 5 minutes.
-Set the valves back to “I”.
-Set the Neg. Pressure to “0”, leave the system for 1 minute (Ink will now start dripping out the heads)
-Restore the Neg. Pressure back to
-Clean the heads with a
-Check on “weeping” (**)
Solution Valve
When purging with
To clean all 8 heads, first purge the 4 right heads (Lc, Lm, W1, W2), close them,
and in the second stage, purge the remaining 4 left heads (K, C, M, Y). Finally, open the 4 right heads again, and purge all 8 heads together now. By doing so, you’ll have the most optimal cleaning pressure.