- Head base temperature control:
-The upper value on the display, is the actual temperature, the lower value is only an indication. The actual temperature will not change if you change that lower value.(***)
-The actual temperature needs to be 32°C when engine is not in use. (cold engine)
-When printing, the temperature indication should not exceed 38°C.
-Make sure you print with closed engine doors all the time, especially when room temperatures are 25°C and above. This will give you the best cooling inside the engine.
In case the Head Base temperature reaches 40°C when printing:
At the end of your job, switch of the
The carriage will now move continuously, allowing the Base Plate to cool down.
(The “Encoder Test” can be found in the TEST menu.)
(***)The temperature of the head base can only be tuned by changing the “Head PCB Voltage” on the carriage. (1.55 Volt can be seen as guidance) Changing the voltage is only allowed by a Service Engineer!