Language Dictionary - 8
Status Commands
Status commands program the dc source status registers. The dc source has three groups of status
registers; Operation, Questionable, and Standard Event. The Standard Event group is programmed with
Common commands as described later in this section. The Operation and Questionable status groups
each consist of the Condition, Enable, and Event registers and the NTR and PTR filters. Chapter 7
explains how to read specific register bits and use the information they return.


This command sets all defined bits in the Status Subsystem PTR registers and clears all bits in the
subsytem NTR and Enable registers.
Command Syntax STATus:PRESet
Parameters None


This query returns the value of the Operation Event register. The Event register is a read-only register,
which holds (latches) all events that are passed by the Operation NTR and/or PTR filter. Reading the
Operation Event register clears it.
Query Syntax STATus:OPERtion[:EVENt]?
Parameters None
Returned Parameters <NR1>(Register Value)
Examples STAT:OPER?
Table 8-4. Bit Configuration of Operation Status Registers
Bit Position 15–13 12 11 10 9 8 7-6 5 4-1 0
Bit Name not
used CC2 CC- CC+ CV2 CV not
used WTG not
used CAL
Bit Weight 4096 2048 1024 512 256 32 1
CAL = The dc source is computing new calibration constants.
WTG = The dc source is waiting for a trigger.
CV = The dc source is operating in constant voltage mode.
CV2 = Output 2 is operating in constant voltage mode. (Agilent 66319B/D only)
CC+ = The dc source is operating in constant current mode.
CC- = The dc source is operating in negative constant current mode.
CC2 = Output 2 is operating in constant current mode. (Agilent 66319B/D only)


This query returns the value of the Operation Condition register. That is a read-only register, which holds
the real-time (unlatched) operational status of the dc source.
Query Syntax STATus:OPERation:CONDition?
Parameters None
Returned Parameters <NR1> (register value)