8 – Language Dictionary
This command calibrates initiates the calibration of the output resistance circuit.
Command Syntax CALibrate:RESistance
Parameters None
Examples CAL:RES
This command saves any new calibration constants after a calibration procedure has been completed in
nonvolatile memory. If CALibrate:STATe OFF is programmed without a CALibrate:SAVE, the previous
calibration constants are restored..
Command Syntax CALibrate:SAVE
Parameters None
Examples CAL:SAVE
Related Commands CAL:PASS CAL:STAT
This command enables and disables calibration mode. The calibration mode must be enabled before the
dc source will accept any other calibration commands.
The first parameter specifies the enabled or disabled state. The second parameter is the password. A
password is required if the calibration mode is being enabled and the existing password is not 0. If the
password is not entered or is incorrect, an error is generated and the calibration mode remains disabled.
The query statement returns only the state, not the password.
NOTE: Whenever the calibration state is changed from enabled to disabled, any new calibration
constants are lost unless they have been stored with CALibrate:SAVE.
Command Syntax CALibrate:STATe<bool>[,<NRf>]
Parameters 0 | 1 | OFF | ON [,<password>]
*RST Value OFF
Examples CAL:STAT 1,6812 CAL:STAT OFF
Query Syntax CALibrate:STATe?
Returned Parameters <NR1>
Related Commands CAL:PASS CAL:SAVE *RST
This command initiates the calibration of the output voltage and the voltage readback circuit.
Command Syntax CALibrate:VOLTage[:DC]
Parameters None
Agilent 66319B/D only
This command initiates the voltage calibration of output 2.
Command Syntax CALibrate:VOLTage2
Parameters None
Examples CAL:VOLT2