Introduction to Programming - 6

Accessing Online Help

A comprehensive online programming reference is provided with the driver. It describes how to get
started using the instrument driver with Agilent VEE, LabVIEW, and LabWindows. It includes
complete descriptions of all function calls as well as example programs in C/C++ and Visual BASIC.
( To access the online help when you have chosen the default Vxipnp start folder, click on the Start
button and select Programs | Vxipnp | Agxxxx Help (32-bit).
- where agxxxx is the instrument driver.
GPIB Capabilities of the DC Source
All dc source functions except for setting the GPIB address are programmable over the GPIB. The IEEE
488.2 capabilities of the dc source are listed in the Specifications Table in Appendix A.

GPIB Address

The dc source operates from an GPIB address that is set from the front panel. To set the GPIB address,
press the Address key on the front panel and enter the address using the Entry keys. The address can be
set from 0 to 30. The GPIB address is stored in non-volatile memory.
ADDRESS <value> Enter a value to set the GPIB Address
Introduction to SCPI
SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) is a programming language for controlling
instrument functions over the GPIB. SCPI is layered on top of the hardware-portion of IEEE 488.2. The
same SCPI commands and parameters control the same functions in different classes of instruments. For
example, you would use the same DISPlay command to control the dc source display and the display of a
SCPI-compatible multimeter.

Conventions Used in This Guide

Angle brackets < > Items within angle brackets are parameter abbreviations. For example,
<NR1> indicates a specific form of numerical data.
Vertical bar | Vertical bars separate alternative parameters. For example, NORM |
TEXT indicates that either "TEXT" or "NORM" can be used as a
Square Brackets [ ] Items within square brackets are optional. The representation [SOURce:].
VOLTage means that SOURce: may be omitted.
Braces { } Braces indicate parameters that may be repeated zero or more times. It is
used especially for showing arrays. The notation <A>{<,B>} shows that
parameter "A" must be entered, while parameter "B" may be omitted or
may be entered one or more times.
Boldface font Boldface font is used to emphasize syntax in command definitions.
TRIGger:COUNt:CURRent <NRf> shows command definition.
Computer font Computer font is used to show program lines in text.
TRIGger:COUNt:CURRent 10 shows a program line.