5 – Front Panel Operation
Output Control Keys Output control keys control the output functions of the dc source.
Press this key to access the voltage menu.
Display Command Function
1 VOLT <value> Sets the voltage of output 1 (the main output of all models)
2 VOLT <value> Sets the voltage of output 2
1LIMIT <char> Sets the programmable voltage limit (output 1 shown)
Press this key to access the current menu.
Display Command Function
1 CURR <value> Sets the current of output 1 (the main output of all models)
2 CURR <value> Sets the current of output 2
Press this key to access the resistance menu.
Display Command Function
1 RES <value> Sets the resistance of output 1 (the main output of all models)
Press this key to access the output menu list.
Display Command Function
*RST Places the dc source in the factory-default state
COUPLING <char> Couples or decouples output 1 and output 2 (NONE | ALL)
COMP <char> Sets output compensation (HREMOTE | LREMOTE | HLOCAL | LLOCAL) 1
PON:STATE <char> Select the power-on state command (RST | RCL0)
PROT:DLY <value> Sets the output protection delay in seconds
RI <char> Sets the remote inhibit mode (LATCHING | LIVE | OFF)
DFI <char> Sets the discrete fault indicator state (ON | OFF)
DFI:SOUR <char> Selects the DFI source (QUES | OPER | ESB | RQS | OFF)2
PORT <char> Sets the output port functions (RIDFI | DIGIO | TRIGGER)
DIGIO <char> Sets and reads the I/O port value (0 through 7)
SENSE:PROT<char> Enables or disables the open sense lead detect circuit (ON | OFF)
1REL:MODE <char> Sets the relay mode for option 521units (DD, HD, DH, or HH)3
(applies to both outputs; output 1 shown)
Press this key to display protection status.
Display Command Function
OVER CURRENT Status of the protection features (example shows overcurrent)
NO FAULT Status of the protection features (example shows none tripped)
Press this key to access the overvoltage protection menu.
Display Command Function
PROT:STAT <char> Enables or disables overvoltage protection (ON | OFF)
This key accesses the calibration menu (Refer to Appendix B for details).
Notes: 1These parameters are explained in chapter 3.
2These status summary bits are explained in chapter 7.
3These relay modes are explained in chapter 2
value = a numeric value
char = a character string parameter
Use and to scroll through the menu commands.
Use and to scroll through the menu parameters.
Use and to select a digit in a numeric entry field.
Res Shift
OV Shift
Cal Shift
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