Freedom in Technology; Freedom in life
Video:RM/RMVB, about 2.5 hours,RMVB, 480*272,587kbps,24fps,one file repeating,volume 50%,earphone,other default )
Computer configuration:Windows2000 / XP (only XP supportsDRM transfer)
File system:FAT32 file system
Note:The design or format may be changed without notice.
Memory explanation: The HDD of this device is composed by 2GB and 72.5GB. The memory of 2GB is used by system and program and the other 72.5GB is for user. 10GB of 72.5GB is preserved DRM for MTP usage. User can view this space in the MTP of setting and put music or video files in this space. 72.5+2 = 74.5GB = 76288MB = 78118912KB = 79993765888B about 80G
The bios system is saved in HDD so user can’t format by himself.