Alesis K2661 specifications SongModeMAINEvents186KRECREADY, 12-4, Record a Drum Loop

Models: K2661

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Song Mode

Getting Started with the Sequencer


CurSong:1NewSongTempo:120 RecTrk:2Vol:127Pan:64Mode:Erase Program:30WarmBass1^2Locat:1:1

Track:-R-------------- Channel:12345678910111213141516 RecordPlayStopEraseMISCMIXER

6.Repeat the above two steps to assign 22 Gospel Organ to Channel 3 and 79 Modulead to Channel 4.

You’ve now chosen the programs for your first sequence. It’s important to realize, though, that you have not recorded anything yet. The programs will be there when you need them, but they have not yet been included in a song. Also, don’t forget that you can change the program assignments any time before or after you record the song.

Record a Drum Loop

Our song will be based around a four measure drum loop that we’ll record now. Later on, we’ll “unloop” the drum track for additional recording.

The length of the drum loop is determined by the current endpoint, so we’ll start by recording four measures of silence to set the endpoint.

1.Set RecTrk to 1 then press the Record soft button. The Song Status indicator (top right-hand corner of the display) flashes REC READY.

song status indicator


CurSong:1NewSongTempo:120 RecTrk:1Vol:127Pan:64Mode:Erase Program:54JazzKitLocat:1:1

Track:R--------------- Channel:12345678910111213141516 RecordPlayStopEraseMISCMIXER

Locat parameter shows current measure and beat number

2.Press the Play soft button. The Song Status indicator now reads RECORDING.

The K2661’s built-in metronome begins clicking, and the Song-mode LED blinks in time with the current tempo.

Notice the Locat parameter on the right side of the display, which shows the current Bar and Beat number. When you begin recording, the K2661 provides you with a four-beat countoff, during which time Locat’s Bar and Beat number are preceded by a minus sign.


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Alesis K2661 specifications SongModeMAINEvents186KRECREADY, 12-4, Record a Drum Loop