Chapter 10: Setting Static Port Trunks
The Add Static Trunk page is displayed. See Figure43.
Figure 43. Add Static Trunk Page
5. Select the Load Balance Method. You can assign different load
distribution methods to different static trunks on the same switch.
Choose from the following:
Src MAC— Specifies source MAC address as the load distribution
method. This is a Layer 2 load balance method.
Dst MAC— Specifies destination MAC address as the load
distribution method. This is a Layer 2 load balance method.
Src-Dst MAC— Specifies source address/destination MAC
address as the load distribution method. This is a Layer 2 load
balance method.
Src IP— Specifies source IP address as the load distribution
method. This is a Layer 3 load balance method.
Dst IP— Specifies destination IP address as the load distribution
method. This is a Layer 3 load balance method.
Src-Dst IP— Specifies source address/destination IP address as
the load distribution method. This is a Layer 3 load balance