AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Management Software Web Browser User’s Guide
The switch does not set DST automatically. If the switch is in a
locale that uses DST, you must remember to enable this in April
when DST begins and disable it in October when DST ends. If the
switch is in a locale that does not use DST, this option should be set
to disabled all the time.
If the local interface on the switch is obtaining its IP address and
subnet mask from a DHCP server, you can configure the server to
provide the interface with an IP address of an NTP or SNTP server.
If you configured the server to provide this address, then you do not
need to enter it here.
6. When you finish configuring the parameters, click Apply.
If you enabled the SNTP client, the switch immediately polls the SNTP
or NTP server for the current date and time. (When SNTP is enabled,
the switch automatically polls the server whenever a change is made
to any of the fields on this page.)