Chapter 5: Setting Port Statistics
The Port Statistics with the Transmit tab selected is displayed. See
Figure 26.
Figure 26. Port Statistics with the Transmit Tab
The following fields are displayed:
Port— Indicates the port number.
Total Bytes— Indicates the number of transmitted bytes.
Total Frames— Indicates the number of transmitted frames.
Total Error Frames— Indicates the number of transmitted frames
with errors.
Multicast Frames— Indicates the number of transmitted multicast
Broadcast Frames— Indicates the number of transmitted
broadcast frames.
Pause Frames Sent— Indicates the number of transmitted flow
control pause frames.
Deferred— Indicates the number of egress frames that the port
could not immediately transmit.
Single Collision— Indicates the number of frames that were
transmitted after at least one collision.
Multi Collision— Indicates the number of frames that were
transmitted after more than one collision.
Late Collision— Indicates the number of late collisions.
Excessive Collision— Indicates the number of excessive