AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Management Software Web Browser User’s Guide
The LLDP Configuration page is displayed. See Figure 76.
Figure 76. LLDP Configuration Page
4. Change the following fields as needed:
Status— Indicates whether LLDP is enabled or disabled on the
switch. By default, LLDP is disabled on the switch.
Timer— Specifies the transmit interval. The range is 5 to 32,768
Fast Start Count— Indicates the fast start count for LLDP-MED.
The fast start count determines how many fast start
advertisements LLDP sends from a port when it begins sending
LLDP-MED advertisements from a port, for instance when it
detects a new LLDP-MED capable device. The default value is 3.
Holdtime Multiplier— Sets the holdtime multiplier value. The
transmit interval is multiplied by the holdtime multiplier to give the
Time To Live (TTL) the switch advertises to the neighbors. The
range is 2 to 10.