AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Management Software Web Browser User’s Guide
4. Change the following fields as needed:
Timeout Value— Indicates the length of the time, in seconds, that
the switch waits for a response from a RADIUS server to an
authentication request, before querying the next server in the
list.The default value is 10.
Key Value— Indicates the value of the global encryption key of the
RADIUS servers. You can define a global encryption key if you
have one RADIUS server or if there is more than one server and
they all use the same encryption key. This value is used by the
RADIUS clients. The maximum length is 39 characters. Spaces
and special characters are not permitted. The default value is
To define two or three servers that use different encryption keys, do
not enter a global encryption key value on this web page. Instead,
define the individual keys when you add the IP addresses of the
servers to the client on the RADIUS Server Configuration Page. See
the following steps.
5. Click Add.
The Radius Server Configuration page is displayed. See Figure 58.
Figure 58. Radius Server Configuration Page