Chapter 5: Setting Port Statistics
Figure 25. Port Statistics with the Receive Tab
The following fields are displayed:
Port— Indicates the port number.
Total Bytes— Indicates the number of received bytes.
Total Frames— Indicates the number of received frames.
Total Error Frames— Indicates the total number of received
frames with errors.
Multicast Frames— Indicates the number of received multicast
Broadcast Frames— Indicates the number of received broadcast
CRC Frame Errors— Indicates the number of frames with a cyclic
redundancy check (CRC) error but with the proper length (64 -
1518 bytes) received by the port.
FSC Frame Errors— Indicates the number of ingress frames that
had frame check sequence (FCS) errors.
Pause Frames— Indicates the number of received flow control
pause frames.
Oversize Frames— Indicates the number of received frames that
exceeded the maximum size as specified by IEEE 802.3 (1518
bytes including the CRC).