AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Management Software Web Browser User’s Guide
that spans three switches, assign the Sales VLAN on each switch
the a VID value of 3.
VLAN Name— Specifies a name of a VLAN. A name can be from
1 to 20 characters in length. The first character must be a letter; it
cannot be a number. VLANs are easier to identify if their names
reflect the functions of their subnetworks or workgroups (for
example, Sales or Accounting). A name cannot contain spaces or
special characters, such as asterisks (*) or exclamation points (!).
A name cannot be the same as a name of an existing VLAN on the
switch. If a VLAN is unique in your network, then its name must be
unique as well. A VLAN that spans multiple switches must have the
same name on each switch.
Member Port— Click a port to add it to the VLAN. A “T” indicates a
port is a tagged port. A “U” indicates the port is an untagged port.
For information about tagged and untagged ports, see “Overview”
on page 128.
All Tagged— Click this button to make all ports on the switch
tagged ports.
All Untagged— Click this button to make all ports on the switch
untagged ports.
Deselect All— Click this button to deselect, or unclick, all of the
selected ports.
5. Click Apply to save your changes to the running configuration file.
A confirmation message is displayed.