Chapter 16: Setting 802.1x Port-based Network Access
Host Mode— Sets the operating modes on authenticator ports.
Choose from the following:
Single-host Specifies the single operating mode. An
authenticator port set to this mode
forwards only those packets from the one
client who initially logs on. This is the
default setting.
Multi-host Specifies the multiple host operating
mode. An authenticator port set to this
mode forwards all packets after one client
logs on. This is referred to as piggy-
Multi-supplicant Specifies the multiple supplicant operating
mode. An authenticator port set to this
mode requires that all clients log on.
Mac Authentication— Activates MAC address-based
authentication on authenticator ports. An authenticator port that
uses this type of authentication extracts the source MAC address
from the initial frames from a supplicant and automatically sends it
as the supplicant’s user name and password to the authentication
server. This authentication method does not require 802.1x client
software on supplicant nodes. Click the box to activate this field.
Re-Auth Learning— Forces ports that are using MAC address
authentication into the unauthorized state. You may use this
setting to reauthenticate the nodes on authenticator ports. Click
the box to activate this field.
6. Click Apply.