AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Management Software Web Browser User’s Guide
Total Collision Frames— Indicates the total number of collisions
on the port.
MAC Error Frames— Indicates the number of frames not
transmitted correctly or dropped due to an internal MAC transmit
To display the interface statistics, do the following:
1. Select the Switching tab.
The Switching tab is displayed. See Figure 19 on page 58.
2. From the Switching tab, select Port.
3. Move the cursor to the right and select Statistics.
The Port Statistics page with the Tx + Rx tab selected is displayed.
See Figure 24 on page 72.
4. Click the Interface tab.
The Port Statistics Page with the Interface tab selected is displayed.
See Figure 27.
Figure 27. Port Statistics Page with Interface Tab
The following fields are displayed:
Port— Indicates the port number.
Rx Unicast Packets— Indicates the number of ingress unicast