User's Guide
6-30 Solving Problems
52) PTOP: 0/60" Fine-Adjusting the

Top-Of-Form Position

PTOP lets you add or subtract an offset distance to the leading edge of
the paper on initial load to force the top-of-form position up or down the
page. The printer determines the top-of-form position on a page using a
paper sensor located near the printhead. This paper sensor can detect
the leading edge of a page as it loads into the printer. Then, the printer
indexes down one line space to locate the base line of the first print line
(top-of-form). If a top margin has been defined, the printer also adds this
distance. The offset distance is expressed in 1/60-inch increments.
PTOP parameter settings can range from -20 to 40. Negative settings
move the top-of-form position farther up the page and positive settings
move it farther down.
Fine-Adjusting the

Forms Tear-Off Position

TEAR lets you fine-adjust the distance that a form advances when it is
presented for tear-off in the demand document mode. This parameter
ensures that the perforation on the form properly aligns with the tear bar
on the platen window. The fine-adjustment is expressed in 1/30-inch
increments. TEAR parameter settings can range from -26 to 9. Nega-
tive settings decrease the distance that forms advance and positive
settings increase the distance.
53) TEAR: 0/30"
User's Guide
6-30 Solving Problems
52) PTOP: 0/60" Fine-Adjusting the

Top-Of-Form Position

PTOP lets you add or subtract an offset distance to the leading edge of
the paper on initial load to force the top-of-form position up or down the
page. The printer determines the top-of-form position on a page using a
paper sensor located near the printhead. This paper sensor can detect
the leading edge of a page as it loads into the printer. Then, the printer
indexes down one line space to locate the base line of the first print line
(top-of-form). If a top margin has been defined, the printer also adds this
distance. The offset distance is expressed in 1/60-inch increments.
PTOP parameter settings can range from -20 to 40. Negative settings
move the top-of-form position farther up the page and positive settings
move it farther down.
Fine-Adjusting the

Forms Tear-Off Position

TEAR lets you fine-adjust the distance that a form advances when it is
presented for tear-off in the demand document mode. This parameter
ensures that the perforation on the form properly aligns with the tear bar
on the platen window. The fine-adjustment is expressed in 1/30-inch
increments. TEAR parameter settings can range from -26 to 9. Nega-
tive settings decrease the distance that forms advance and positive
settings increase the distance.
53) TEAR: 0/30"