User's Guide
Code Sets D-9
Table D-3. AMT Datasouth and Diablo 630 Escape Sequences––continued
Function ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal Description

Horizontal Spacing––continued

Set horizontal............................ ESC DC1 n1B 11 n27 17 nReads the least significant six bits as a binary number
spacing offset to determine the distance of the offset in 1/120-inch
(continued) increments.
The offset remains in effect until the printer receives another
Set Horizontal Spacing Offset sequence, a carriage return, or the
End Word Processing Modes sequence.
Move carriage left................... ESC BS 1B 08 27 08 The sequence moves the current print position 1/120 inch
1/120 inch to the left.
Vertical Spacing
Set line spacing in...................... ESC RS n1B 1E n27 30 nThis sequence sets the distance that the paper moves for
1/48-inch increments each line feed, reverse line feed, etc. The value of variable
3 lines per inch..................... ESC RS DC1 1B 1E 11 27 30 17 n minus one defines a number of 1/48-inch increments to
4 lines per inch..................... ESC RS CR 1B 1E 0D 27 30 13 move:
6 lines per inch..................... ESC RS HT 1B 1E 09 27 30 09
8 lines per inch..................... ESC RS BEL 1B 1E 07 27 30 07 Line spacing = (n - 1) x 1/48 inch
12 lines per inch................... ESC RS ENQ 1B 1E 05 27 30 05
Set line spacing in...................... ESC @ A n1B 40 41 n27 64 65 nThis sequence sets the distance that the paper moves for
1/120-inch increments each line feed, reverse line feed, etc. The value of variable
3 lines per inch..................... ESC @ A H 1B 40 41 48 27 64 65 72 n minus 32 defines a number of 1/120-inch increments to
4 lines per inch..................... ESC @ A > 1B 40 41 3E 27 64 65 62 move:
6 lines per inch..................... ESC @ A 4 1B 40 41 34 27 64 65 52
8 lines per inch..................... ESC @ A / 1B 40 41 2F 27 64 65 47 Line spacing = (n - 32) x 1/120 inch
12 lines per inch................... ESC @ A * 1B 40 41 2A 27 64 65 42
Reverse line feed...................... ESC LF 1B 0A 27 10 This sequence reverse feeds the paper one line space so the next
print line is above the previous line.
Half-line feed............................ ESC U 1B 55 27 85 This sequence advances the paper one-half line space.
Reverse half-line feed.............. ESC D 1B 44 27 68 This sequence reverse feeds the paper one-half line space.

Margins, Tabs and Page Formatting

Set left margin......................... ESC 9 1B 39 27 57 This sequence sets the left margin at the current print position.
All subsequent carriage returns cause the carriage to move to this
location. The physical position of the left margin position on the
page is unaffected by subsequent changes to character spacing.
It is possible to move the carriage left of the left margin by using
absolute or relative moves, backspacing, or spacing in the
backward print mode.
User's Guide
Code Sets D-9
Table D-3. AMT Datasouth and Diablo 630 Escape Sequences––continued
Function ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal Description

Horizontal Spacing––continued

Set horizontal............................ ESC DC1 n1B 11 n27 17 nReads the least significant six bits as a binary number
spacing offset to determine the distance of the offset in 1/120-inch
(continued) increments.
The offset remains in effect until the printer receives another
Set Horizontal Spacing Offset sequence, a carriage return, or the
End Word Processing Modes sequence.
Move carriage left................... ESC BS 1B 08 27 08 The sequence moves the current print position 1/120 inch
1/120 inch to the left.
Vertical Spacing
Set line spacing in...................... ESC RS n1B 1E n27 30 nThis sequence sets the distance that the paper moves for
1/48-inch increments each line feed, reverse line feed, etc. The value of variable
3 lines per inch..................... ESC RS DC1 1B 1E 11 27 30 17 n minus one defines a number of 1/48-inch increments to
4 lines per inch..................... ESC RS CR 1B 1E 0D 27 30 13 move:
6 lines per inch..................... ESC RS HT 1B 1E 09 27 30 09
8 lines per inch..................... ESC RS BEL 1B 1E 07 27 30 07 Line spacing = (n - 1) x 1/48 inch
12 lines per inch................... ESC RS ENQ 1B 1E 05 27 30 05
Set line spacing in...................... ESC @ A n1B 40 41 n27 64 65 nThis sequence sets the distance that the paper moves for
1/120-inch increments each line feed, reverse line feed, etc. The value of variable
3 lines per inch..................... ESC @ A H 1B 40 41 48 27 64 65 72 n minus 32 defines a number of 1/120-inch increments to
4 lines per inch..................... ESC @ A > 1B 40 41 3E 27 64 65 62 move:
6 lines per inch..................... ESC @ A 4 1B 40 41 34 27 64 65 52
8 lines per inch..................... ESC @ A / 1B 40 41 2F 27 64 65 47 Line spacing = (n - 32) x 1/120 inch
12 lines per inch................... ESC @ A * 1B 40 41 2A 27 64 65 42
Reverse line feed...................... ESC LF 1B 0A 27 10 This sequence reverse feeds the paper one line space so the next
print line is above the previous line.
Half-line feed............................ ESC U 1B 55 27 85 This sequence advances the paper one-half line space.
Reverse half-line feed.............. ESC D 1B 44 27 68 This sequence reverse feeds the paper one-half line space.

Margins, Tabs and Page Formatting

Set left margin......................... ESC 9 1B 39 27 57 This sequence sets the left margin at the current print position.
All subsequent carriage returns cause the carriage to move to this
location. The physical position of the left margin position on the
page is unaffected by subsequent changes to character spacing.
It is possible to move the carriage left of the left margin by using
absolute or relative moves, backspacing, or spacing in the
backward print mode.