User's Guide
D-40 Code SetsTable D-6. Epson and IBM Escape Sequences––continued
Function ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal Description
Text Functions––continued
Print character........................ ESC ^ n1B 5E n27 94 nThis sequence prints a character that is assigned a valid
control code. The value of variable n in the sequence is the
control code assigned to the character. For example, to print the
music note symbol assigned to the CR control code, the correct
sequence is ESC ^ CR.
Enable/disable characters These sequences enable and disable the printing of inter-
with codes 128-159, 255 national characters assigned to codes 128 through 159 and
Enable.................................. ESC 6 1B 36 27 54 255. When disabled, the printer performs the control
Disable................................. ESC 7 1B 37 27 55 functions assigned to these codes.
Enable/disable characters........ ESC I n 1B 49 n 27 73 n This sequence enables and disables the printing of char-
in control code range acters with codes 0 to 6, 16, 17, 19, 21 to 26, 28 to 31,
Enable ESC I 1 1B 49 31 27 73 49 129 to 134, 144, 145, 147, 149 to 154, and 156 to 159
Disable................................. ESC I 0 1B 49 30 27 43 48 decimal.
)Note: This sequence is not supported when the IBM XL24
emulation is active.
Select characters for............... ESC t n1B 74 n27 116 nThis sequence selects the characters that print for codes
codes above 159 above 159. The sequence can select either the italic ASCII
Italics.................................... ESC t 0 1B 74 30 27 116 48 characters or the normal IBM graphic characters. With the
Graphics............................... ESC t 1 1B 74 31 27 116 49 italic characters selected, add 128 to the normal character code
to print the italicized version. For example, to print an italicized
letter A (code 65 decimal), send code 193 (65 + 128 = 193).
Bold printing These sequences start and end bold printing at the current
Start...................................... ESC G 1B 47 27 71 print position. For bold, the printer prints each character
End....................................... ESC H 1B 48 27 72 twice at the character's normal print position (this requires a
second printing pass over the line).
Shadow printing These sequences start and end shadow printing at the cur-
Start...................................... ESC E 1B 45 27 69 rent print position. For shadow, the printer prints each
End....................................... ESC F 1B 46 27 70 character twice––once at the character's normal print posi-
tion, and once 1/120-inch to the right of this position
(this requires a second printing pass over the line).
User's Guide
D-40 Code SetsTable D-6. Epson and IBM Escape Sequences––continued
Function ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal Description
Text Functions––continued
Print character........................ ESC ^ n1B 5E n27 94 nThis sequence prints a character that is assigned a valid
control code. The value of variable n in the sequence is the
control code assigned to the character. For example, to print the
music note symbol assigned to the CR control code, the correct
sequence is ESC ^ CR.
Enable/disable characters These sequences enable and disable the printing of inter-
with codes 128-159, 255 national characters assigned to codes 128 through 159 and
Enable.................................. ESC 6 1B 36 27 54 255. When disabled, the printer performs the control
Disable................................. ESC 7 1B 37 27 55 functions assigned to these codes.
Enable/disable characters........ ESC I n 1B 49 n 27 73 n This sequence enables and disables the printing of char-
in control code range acters with codes 0 to 6, 16, 17, 19, 21 to 26, 28 to 31,
Enable ESC I 1 1B 49 31 27 73 49 129 to 134, 144, 145, 147, 149 to 154, and 156 to 159
Disable................................. ESC I 0 1B 49 30 27 43 48 decimal.
)Note: This sequence is not supported when the IBM XL24
emulation is active.
Select characters for............... ESC t n1B 74 n27 116 nThis sequence selects the characters that print for codes
codes above 159 above 159. The sequence can select either the italic ASCII
Italics.................................... ESC t 0 1B 74 30 27 116 48 characters or the normal IBM graphic characters. With the
Graphics............................... ESC t 1 1B 74 31 27 116 49 italic characters selected, add 128 to the normal character code
to print the italicized version. For example, to print an italicized
letter A (code 65 decimal), send code 193 (65 + 128 = 193).
Bold printing These sequences start and end bold printing at the current
Start...................................... ESC G 1B 47 27 71 print position. For bold, the printer prints each character
End....................................... ESC H 1B 48 27 72 twice at the character's normal print position (this requires a
second printing pass over the line).
Shadow printing These sequences start and end shadow printing at the cur-
Start...................................... ESC E 1B 45 27 69 rent print position. For shadow, the printer prints each
End....................................... ESC F 1B 46 27 70 character twice––once at the character's normal print posi-
tion, and once 1/120-inch to the right of this position
(this requires a second printing pass over the line).