User's Guide
Code Sets D-31Table D-6. Epson and IBM Escape Sequences––continued
Function ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal Description
Vertical Spacing––continued
Set line spacing in...................... ESC ESC A n1B 1B 41 n27 27 65 nThis sequence sets the distance that the paper moves for
1/120-inch increments each line feed, reverse line feed, etc. The value of variable
3 lines per inch..................... ESC ESC A H 1B 1B 41 48 27 27 65 72 n minus 32 defines a number of 1/120-inch increments to
4 lines per inch..................... ESC ESC A > 1B 1B 41 3E 27 27 65 62 move:
6 lines per inch..................... ESC ESC A 4 1B 1B 41 34 27 27 65 52
8 lines per inch..................... ESC ESC A / 1B 1B 41 2F 27 27 65 47 Line spacing = (n - 32) x 1/120-inch
12 lines per inch................... ESC ESC A * 1B 1B 41 2A 27 27 65 42
Set line spacing in...................... ESC + n1B 2B n27 43 nThis sequence sets the distance that the paper moves for
1/360-inch increments each line feed, reverse line feed, etc. The sequence
3 lines per inch..................... ESC + x 1B 2B 78 27 43 120 specifies the distance as a number of 1/360-inch incre-
4 lines per inch..................... ESC + Z 1B 2B 5A 27 43 90 ments. The value of variable n defines the line spacing
6 lines per inch..................... ESC + < 1B 2B 3C 27 43 60 distance:
8 lines per inch..................... ESC + - 1B 2B 2D 27 43 45
12 lines per inch................... ESC + RS 1B 2B 1E 27 43 30 Line spacing = n x 1/360-inch
Set line spacing to 1/6"............. ESC 2 1B 32 27 50 This sequence sets line spacing to 1/6 inch.
)Note: This sequence is not supported when the IBM XL24
emulation is active.
Start new line spacing.............. ESC 2 1B 32 27 50 This sequence starts the new line spacing that was set by the Set
Line Spacing (ESC A) sequence. If no line spacing
sequence has been sent, the printer sets line spacing to 1/6 inch.
)Note: This sequence is not supported when an Epson
emulation is active.
Set line spacing to 1/8"............. ESC 0 1B 30 27 48 This sequence sets line spacing to 1/8 inch.
Set line spacing to 7/72"........... ESC 1 1B 31 27 49 This sequence sets line spacing to 7/72 inch.
Reverse line feed...................... ESC ] 1B 5D 27 93 This sequence reverse feeds the paper one line space so the next
print line is above the previous line.
Paper feed in 1/216- or........... ESC J n1B 4A n27 74 nThis sequence advances the paper a specific distance with-
1/180-inch increments out changing the current line spacing. The sequence speci-fies
the distance as a number of 1/216- or 1/180-inch incre-ments,
depending on the active emulation. When the Epson JX or IBM
XL24 emulation is active, the distance is in 1/216-inch
increments. When the Epson LQ-2550 emulation is active, the
distance is in 1/180-inch incre-ments. For example, with the
Epson JX emulation active, to move the paper 18/216 inch, the
correct sequence is ESC J DC2.
)Note: When the IBM XL24 emulation is active, the Set
Vertical Units sequence forces the vertical distance unit to either
1/216 or 1/180 inch.
User's Guide
Code Sets D-31Table D-6. Epson and IBM Escape Sequences––continued
Function ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal Description
Vertical Spacing––continued
Set line spacing in...................... ESC ESC A n1B 1B 41 n27 27 65 nThis sequence sets the distance that the paper moves for
1/120-inch increments each line feed, reverse line feed, etc. The value of variable
3 lines per inch..................... ESC ESC A H 1B 1B 41 48 27 27 65 72 n minus 32 defines a number of 1/120-inch increments to
4 lines per inch..................... ESC ESC A > 1B 1B 41 3E 27 27 65 62 move:
6 lines per inch..................... ESC ESC A 4 1B 1B 41 34 27 27 65 52
8 lines per inch..................... ESC ESC A / 1B 1B 41 2F 27 27 65 47 Line spacing = (n - 32) x 1/120-inch
12 lines per inch................... ESC ESC A * 1B 1B 41 2A 27 27 65 42
Set line spacing in...................... ESC + n1B 2B n27 43 nThis sequence sets the distance that the paper moves for
1/360-inch increments each line feed, reverse line feed, etc. The sequence
3 lines per inch..................... ESC + x 1B 2B 78 27 43 120 specifies the distance as a number of 1/360-inch incre-
4 lines per inch..................... ESC + Z 1B 2B 5A 27 43 90 ments. The value of variable n defines the line spacing
6 lines per inch..................... ESC + < 1B 2B 3C 27 43 60 distance:
8 lines per inch..................... ESC + - 1B 2B 2D 27 43 45
12 lines per inch................... ESC + RS 1B 2B 1E 27 43 30 Line spacing = n x 1/360-inch
Set line spacing to 1/6"............. ESC 2 1B 32 27 50 This sequence sets line spacing to 1/6 inch.
)Note: This sequence is not supported when the IBM XL24
emulation is active.
Start new line spacing.............. ESC 2 1B 32 27 50 This sequence starts the new line spacing that was set by the Set
Line Spacing (ESC A) sequence. If no line spacing
sequence has been sent, the printer sets line spacing to 1/6 inch.
)Note: This sequence is not supported when an Epson
emulation is active.
Set line spacing to 1/8"............. ESC 0 1B 30 27 48 This sequence sets line spacing to 1/8 inch.
Set line spacing to 7/72"........... ESC 1 1B 31 27 49 This sequence sets line spacing to 7/72 inch.
Reverse line feed...................... ESC ] 1B 5D 27 93 This sequence reverse feeds the paper one line space so the next
print line is above the previous line.
Paper feed in 1/216- or........... ESC J n1B 4A n27 74 nThis sequence advances the paper a specific distance with-
1/180-inch increments out changing the current line spacing. The sequence speci-fies
the distance as a number of 1/216- or 1/180-inch incre-ments,
depending on the active emulation. When the Epson JX or IBM
XL24 emulation is active, the distance is in 1/216-inch
increments. When the Epson LQ-2550 emulation is active, the
distance is in 1/180-inch incre-ments. For example, with the
Epson JX emulation active, to move the paper 18/216 inch, the
correct sequence is ESC J DC2.
)Note: When the IBM XL24 emulation is active, the Set
Vertical Units sequence forces the vertical distance unit to either
1/216 or 1/180 inch.