User's Guide
C-12 Interfaces
Handshaking methods—continued
9X-ON/X-OFF: The printer sends an X-OFF code on its data trans-
mission line to pause data transfer, and an X-ON code to resume.
An X-OFF is an ASCII DC3 code (19 decimal, 13 hex); an X-ON is
an ASCII DC1 code (17 decimal, 11 hex). When you turn on or
reset the printer, it sends an X-ON to enable data transfer.
9ENQ/ACK: The computer sends an ENQ code on its data transmis-
sion line to ask the printer if it can receive data. When the printer is
ready, it returns an ACK code on its data transmission line. An ENQ
is an ASCII ENQ code (5 decimal, 05 hex); an ACK is an ASCII
ACK code (6 decimal, 6 hex). When you turn on or reset the printer,
it sends an ACK to enable data transfer.
You specify which handshaking method to use at the HNDSHK param-
eter on the Setup menu. Refer to the Control Panel section of this guide
for further information.
Pin Assignments
Table C-2 lists the connector pin assignments and signal requirements
for the printer's serial interface.
Table C-2. Serial Pin Assignments
Pin Signal Source Printer Usage
1 CGND Chassis ground
2 TxD Printer Transmits data to computer
3 Rx D Computer Receives data from computer
4 RTS Printer Remains high at all times
5 CTS Computer Must be high or disconnected
6 DS R Computer Must be high or disconnected
7 SGND Signal ground
User's Guide
C-12 Interfaces
Handshaking methods—continued
9X-ON/X-OFF: The printer sends an X-OFF code on its data trans-
mission line to pause data transfer, and an X-ON code to resume.
An X-OFF is an ASCII DC3 code (19 decimal, 13 hex); an X-ON is
an ASCII DC1 code (17 decimal, 11 hex). When you turn on or
reset the printer, it sends an X-ON to enable data transfer.
9ENQ/ACK: The computer sends an ENQ code on its data transmis-
sion line to ask the printer if it can receive data. When the printer is
ready, it returns an ACK code on its data transmission line. An ENQ
is an ASCII ENQ code (5 decimal, 05 hex); an ACK is an ASCII
ACK code (6 decimal, 6 hex). When you turn on or reset the printer,
it sends an ACK to enable data transfer.
You specify which handshaking method to use at the HNDSHK param-
eter on the Setup menu. Refer to the Control Panel section of this guide
for further information.
Pin Assignments
Table C-2 lists the connector pin assignments and signal requirements
for the printer's serial interface.
Table C-2. Serial Pin Assignments
Pin Signal Source Printer Usage
1 CGND Chassis ground
2 TxD Printer Transmits data to computer
3 Rx D Computer Receives data from computer
4 RTS Printer Remains high at all times
5 CTS Computer Must be high or disconnected
6 DS R Computer Must be high or disconnected
7 SGND Signal ground