ELVIS Programmable Flag Jumper (JP4)
The ELVIS programmable flag jumper (JP4) connects the ADSP-21369 processor’s DAI4 pin to the ELVIS trigger pin. When JP4 is installed, DAI4 is directly connected to the ELVIS TRIG1_2 pin. Conversely, when JP4 is uninstalled, the DAIP4 pin is disconnected and can be used for other non-ELVIS functionality. The jumper settings are shown in Table 2-13.
Table 2-13. ELVIS Select Jumper (JP4)
JP4 Setting | Mode |
| |
| |
OFF | DAI4 disconnected from ELVIS TRIG pin (default) |
| |
ON | DAI4 connected to ELVIS TRIG pin |
| |
This section describes the connector functionality and provides informa- tion about mating connectors. Figure 2-8shows the connector locations.
Three board-to-board connectors (J1–3) provide signals for most of the processor’s peripheral interfaces. The connectors are located at the bottom of the board. For more information about the expansion interface, see “Expansion Interface” on page 2-7. For the J1–3connectors’ availability and pricing, contact Samtec.
2-20 | ADSP-21369 EZ-KIT Lite Evaluation System Manual |