Alarms and Events
5.3Alarm Messages
| Table 5: Possible Alarms | ||
| |
| Alarm | Description | Action | |
| Message |
| |
| Battery MCB is | The battery breaker is open. If | At the battery breaker, set the | |
| off | bypass voltage is within tolerance, | precharge/discharge switch to the | |
| the unit transfers to static bypass | precharge position and hold it in | |
| operation. If not, the unit transfers | this position until the LED turns | |
| to | off. Precharge is very important | |
| output voltage. | to prevent damage to your | |
| equipment. After precharge, | |
| switch the battery breaker on. | |
| |
| Battery Monitor | The battery monitor test has found | Call APC Global Service to | |
| Alarms | that the battery pack is near low | schedule battery maintenance. | |
| runtime capacity or that the |
| battery pack may have a problem. |
| The unit’s status does not change, |
| but when the unit operates on |
| battery, runtime will be seriously |
| reduced. |
| |
| Battery Monitor | The battery monitor test has found | See the “Parameter Settings” | |
| Warning | that battery capacity is reduced | section of this User Guide to | |
| (typically below 80%). The unit’s | display the parameters. Then, | |
| status does not change, but the unit | change the “Battery monitor | |
| will not be able to operate as long | reset” parameter to “ON.” This | |
| on battery (it will have reduced | will clear the Battery Monitor | |
| runtime). | Warning. Next, do a battery | |
| monitor test (see the “Battery | |
| Monitor Test” section). If the | |
| alarm starts again, call APC | |
| Global Service to schedule | |
| battery maintenance. | |
| |
| Bypass freq. is | The bypass frequency is out of | Ask an electrician to make sure | |
| out of tolerance | tolerance (too high, low, or | that the correct input frequency is | |
| unstable). The unit may transfer to | being supplied to the UPS. If so, | |
| battery or | and if this voltage is within the | |
| cannot operate in static bypass. | range accepted by the UPS, call | |
| APC Global Service. | |
| |
| Bypass is | The bypass voltage was | Ask an electrician to make sure | |
| moment. out of | momentarily out of tolerance. The | that the correct input voltage is | |
| tolerance (This | unit may transfer to battery or | being supplied to the UPS. If so, | |
| alarm occurs | and if this voltage is within the | ||
| when there is a | operate in static bypass. | range accepted by the UPS, call | |
| power outage) |
| APC Global Service. | |
| |
| Bypass is out of | The bypass voltage is out of | Ask an electrician to make sure | |
| tolerance (This | tolerance (too high or low). The unit | that the correct input voltage is | |
| alarm occurs | may transfer to battery or | being supplied to the UPS. If so, | |
| when there is a | operation; it cannot operate in | call APC Global Service. | |
| power outage) | static bypass. |
| |
| |
| |
14 | User Guide APC BC300 Series 40kW 208/450/480V UPS |