My antivirus program reports that there is a trojan after I access the CN8000 with my browser and then open the Windows Client Viewer.
Virtual Media under the WindowsClient only supports ISO files less than 4G.Bytes. If the ISO file is 4GBytes or greater it cannot be accessed.
The Windows Client Viewer uses an ActiveX plugin (windows.ocx) that some antivirus programs mistakenly see as a virus or trojan. We have tested our firmware extensively and found no evidence of a virus or trojan. You can add the plugin to your antivirus program’s White List and use the Viewer safely. If you are reluctant to use the Windows Client Viewer, however, you can simply use the Java Client Viewer, instead.
Under Virtual Media, I can mount an ISO file, but I cannot access it.
This problem sometimes arises on older computers. Get the latest firmware version for your mainboard from the manufacturer and upgrade your mainboard firmware.
Virtual Media doesn’t work.
Use the AutoSync feature (see Video Settings, page 86), to sync the local and remote monitors.
Part of remote window is off my monitor.
1. Check the status of the Mouse DynaSync Mode setting
(see Mouse DynaSync Mode, page 98). If it is set to Automatic, change the setting to Manual and refer to the information provided.
2. If you are in Manual mode, use the AutoSync feature (see Video Settings, page 86), to sync the local and remote monitors.
3. If that doesn't resolve the problem, use the Adjust Mouse feature (see Adjust mouse, page 78) to bring the pointers back in step.
4. If the above fails to resolve the problem, refer to Addi- tional Mouse Synchronization Procedures, page 184, for further steps to take.
After I import the site’s certificate, I still get a message warning me about the site when I log in.
Remote mouse pointer is out of step.
Certificate security checking noticed a certificate address mismatch – however the certificate can be trusted. You can click Continue to the website (not recommended) to go on, or you can disable mismatch checking. See Mismatch Considerations, page 177 for a complete explanation of this topic.
issued by a recognized third party certificate authority
2. You can eliminate this message by importing a certificate
Trusted Authorities. The certificate can be trusted.
When I log in, the browser 1. The certificate’s name is not found on Microsoft’s list of generates a CA Root
certificate is not trusted, or a Certificate Error response.
CN8000 User Manual