CN8000 User Manual

About this Manual

This User Manual is provided to help you get the most from your c/c system. It covers all aspects of installation, configuration and operation. An overview of the information found in the manual is provided below.


Chapter 1, Introduction, introduces you to the CN8000 System. Its purpose, features and benefits are presented, and its front and back panel components are described.

Chapter 2, Hardware Setup, provides step-by-step instructions for setting up your installation, and explains some basic operation procedures.

Chapter 3, Browser Login, describes how to log into the CN8000 with a browser, and explains the functions of the icons and buttons that appear on the opening page.

Chapter 4, Administration, explains the administrative procedures that are employed to configure the CN8000’s working environment, as well as how to operate the CN8000 from the local console.

Chapter 5, The WinClient Viewer, explains how to connect to the CN8000 with the Windows Client software, and describes how to use the OSD to access and control the computers connected to the switch.

Chapter 6, The JavaClient Viewer, describes how to connect to the CN8000 with the Java Applet software, and explains how to use the OSD to access and control the computers connected to the switch.

Chapter 7, The Log Server, explains how to install and configure the Log Server.

Chapter 8, AP Operation, describes how to operate the CN8000 using Windows and Java programs, rather than with the browser method.

Chapter 9, LDAP Server Configuration, explains how to configure the CN8000 for LDAP / LDAPS authentication and authorization with Active Directory or OpenLDAP.

An Appendix, provides specifications and other technical information regarding the CN8000.
