| 4. Administration |
Item | Action |
Enable Flexible Dial | If Flexible Dial Back is enabled, the modem that the CN8000 |
Back | dials back to doesn’t have to be fixed. It can dial back to any |
| modem that is convenient for the user, as follows: |
| 1. Key the password that the users must specify in the Pass- |
| word field. |
| 2. When connecting to the CN8000’s modem, users specify |
| the phone number of the modem that they want the CN8000 |
| to dial back to as their Username, and specify the password |
| set in the Password field for their password. |
Enable Dial Out
For the dial out function, you must establish an account with an Internet Service Provider, and then use a modem to dial up to your ISP account. An explanation of the items in the Enable Dial Back section is given in the table below:
Item | Action |
ISP Settings | Specify the telephone number, account name (username), and | |
| password that you use to connect to your ISP. | |