Chapter 3

Browser Login

The CN8000 can be accessed either from an internet browser, via Windows and Java application (AP) program, or by PPP modem dial-in. The next several chapters describe browser-based operations; AP access is discussed in Chapter 8; PPP modem login is discussed on page 172.

Logging In

To operate the CN8000 from an Internet browser, begin by logging in:

1.Open your browser and specify the IP address of the CN8000 you want to access in the browser's URL location bar.

Note: 1. For security purposes, a login string may have been set by the administrator. If so, you must include a forward slash and the login string along with the IP address when you log in. For example:

If you don't know the IP address and login string, ask your


2.If you are the administrator, and are logging in for the first time, the various ways to determine the CN8000's IP address are described in the Appendix on page 165.

2.If a Security Alert appears, click Continue to this website.

The security certificate can be trusted (See Trusted Certificates, page 174, for details).