CN8000 User Manual

LDAP Settings

To allow authentication and authorization for the CN8000 via LDAP / LDAPS, refer to the information in the table, below:






Put a check in the Enable checkbox to allow LDAP / LDAPS


authentication and authorization.




Click a radio button to specify whether to use LDAP or LDAPS.



Enable Authorization

Select whether to enable Enable Authorization, or not.


1. If enabled (the box is checked), the LDAP / LDAPS server


directly returns a ‘permission’ attribute and authorization for


the user that is logging in. With this selection the LDAP


schema must be extended. See LDAP Server Configura-


tion, page 137, for details.


2. If not enabled (no check in the box), the result the server


returns indicates whether the user that is logging in belongs


to the ‘CN8000 Admin Group’. If the result is ‘yes’ the user


has full access rights; if the result is ‘no’, the user only has


limited access rights.


Note: Consult the LDAP / LDAPS administrator to


ascertain whether to enable the Enable Authorization


function, or not.



LDAP Server IP and

Fill in the IP address and port number for the LDAP or LDAPS


server. For LDAP, the default port number is 389; for LDAPS,


the default port number is 636.




Set the time in seconds that the CN8000 waits for an LDAP or


LDAPS server reply before it times out.



LDAP Administrator

Consult the LDAP / LDAPS administrator to ascertain the


appropriate entry for this field. For example, the entry might


look like this:





LDAP Administrator

Key in the LDAP administrator’s password.
