CN8000 User Manual


DDNS maps the dynamic IP address assigned by a DHCP server to a host name. The CN8000 can update the DDNS server with its IP address whenever the IP address is changed.

To enable the DDNS capability for the CN8000, do the following:

1.Check Enable.

2.Enter the Host Name that you registered with your DDNS service provider.

3.Drop down the DDNS list to select the DDNS service you are registered with.

4.Key in the Username and Password that authenticates you with your DDNS service.

5.In the DDNS Retry Time field, key in how many hours the CN8000 waits before it tries to reconnect to the DDNS server, when the CN8000 fails to connect.

Network Transfer Rate

This setting allows you to tailor the size of the data transfer stream to match network traffic conditions by setting the rate at which the CN8000 transfers data to remote computers. The range is from 4–99999 Kilobytes per second (KBps).

Finishing Up

After making any network changes, be sure Reset on exit on the Customization page (see Customization, page 63) has been enabled (there is a check in the checkbox), before logging out. This allows network changes to take effect without having to power the CN8000 off and on.