Chapter 7. Port Access


For the KH1508Ai / KH1516Ai, the Connections page displays port status information at the device level, and port connection configuration options at the port level.

Device Level

When a KH1508Ai / KH1516Ai is selected in the Sidebar, the Connections page displays a list of ports for the device that the user is authorized to access or view.

The following attributes are listed for each device:

ŠPort Number – the port’s number on the switch.

ŠPort Name – if a name has been assigned to a port it displays here.

ŠDevice Name – if a name has been assigned to the switch it displays here.

ŠStatus – the current status of the port – online, or offline.

ŠOperation – You can access any port from the main panel by clicking


Note: The sort order of the information displayed can be changed by clicking the column headings.