Chapter 5
Logging In
The KH1508Ai / KH1516Ai can be accessed via its Graphical User Interface (GUI) locally from a Laptop application (AP) program; and remotely from an internet browser; a Windows application (AP) program; and a Java application (AP) program.
No matter which access method you choose, the KH1508Ai / KH1516Ai switch’s authentication procedure requires you to submit a valid username and password. If you supply invalid login information, the authentication routine will return an Invalid Username or Password, or Login Failed message. If you see this type of message, log in again with a correct username and password.
Note: If the number of invalid login attempts exceeds a specified amount, a timeout period is invoked. You must wait until the timeout period expires before you can attempt to log in again. See Login Failures, page 122 for further details.