KH1508Ai / KH1516Ai User Manual

3.Select the KH1508Ai / KH1516Ai in the Device List.

Note: 1. If the list is empty, or your device doesn't appear, click Enumerate to refresh the Device List.

2.If there is more than one device in the list, use the MAC address to pick the one you want. The KVM Over the NET™ switch’s MAC address is located on its bottom panel.

4.Select either Obtain an IP address automatically (DHCP), or Specify an IP address. If you chose the latter, fill the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway fields with the information appropriate to your network.

5.Click Set IP.

6.After the IP address shows up in the Device List, click Exit. See IP Installer, page 114 for more information.


1.Set your client computer's IP address to 192.168.0.XXX

Where XXX represents any number or numbers except 60. ( is the default address of the KH1508Ai / KH1516Ai.)

2.Specify the switch's default IP address ( in your browser, and you will be able to connect.

3.Assign a fixed IP address for the KH1508Ai / KH1516Ai that is suitable for the network segment that it resides on.

4.After you log out, reset your client computer's IP address to its original value.