Atlantis Land A02-RA(Atmos)_ME01 manual BUN Console commands, Introduction, Scope, Build Inclusion

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4. BUN Console commands

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 Scope

A description is provided of the use of console commands.

No information on implementing additional commands is given in this chapter: implementers of new BUN devices may provide access to diagnostic or status information by implementing attributes to handle these tasks. The standard BUN console commands may then be used to display or change these settings.

All BUN process commands may be issued by posting TELL messages to the BUN process. The BUN process does not support the used of STDIN command streams. (Refer to tell <process> … on page 19 for more information on the TELL command interface.)

Command parsing is case insensitive. White-space may be used to separate distinct arguments. Any prefix of the string bun to the command line is ignored.

4.1.2 Build Inclusion

The full BUN console command set is included with all builds that include the BUN package.

To include the BUN package, add the following directive to the ATMOS SYSTEM file:

package bun

The directive may be placed anywhere in the SYSTEM file after the inclusion of the core package (core.pkg).

4.1.3 Compile Time Configuration

Most BUN commands are available irrespective of the compilation options. This section describes exceptions to this rule.


The build command displays the compile-time options, and so will change according to what compilation options are used…

Any compile option that affects BUN operation should be displayed by this command.

4.1.4 Command arguments


The name of a device.

Device names are either implicit (ie.: provided from the compiled-in device code) or

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Atlantis Land A02-RA(Atmos)_ME01 BUN Console commands, Introduction, Scope, Build Inclusion, Compile Time Configuration